pkny 發表於 2010-4-4 12:21

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-4-4 12:24 編輯

I'm using the following cables with my 83SE right now:
Illuminations D-60 coaxial cable
Harmonic Technology HT-HDMI
WireWorld Supernova 5+ toslink
Shunyata Research Diamondback Platinum Power cord.

Beside the cables, I'm also using the vibrapods isolator feets.

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-5 00:37

I'm using the following cables with my 83SE right now:
Illuminations D-60 coaxial cable
Harmonic Tec ...
pkny 發表於 2010-4-4 12:21

whooly smoke... I haven't heard of most of these brands... btw, why are you using a coaxial cable? I thought you are using 83SE's internal DAC.

pkny 發表於 2010-4-5 07:19

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-4-5 07:34 編輯

whooly smoke... I haven't heard of most of these brands... btw, why are you using a coaxial cable? ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-5 00:37

Haven’t heard of most of the brands?   {:6_122:} May be because some of my cables are ten years old and not "HK popular".

I not only use coaxial, but also optical too.They are connected to AV-amp and DAC.My AV-amp, US version of Denon A11-SR, is an old model, and it doesn’t have HDMI.I usually use itfor 6.1 audio because 83 doesn't support it.
I also connect the spdif output to my old Denon S10II (use as DAC).
Depend on the material, sometime I prefer the sound of S10II than the 83SE.With 16bits audio, the 83SE sounds hard and thin comparing to S10II as a DAC.On the other hand, with 24bits audio, the 83SE has a lot more detail than S10II.When the S10II uses as a full CD-player, the 83SE losses in every aspect.Don’t get me wrong.83SE is a very good player especially for its price, but I really don’t think it will win >$10000HKD CD-player like the others said.

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-8 11:24

Haven’t heard of most of the brands?    May be because some of my cables are ten years o ...
pkny 發表於 2010-4-5 07:19

Clearly noted. This is why I am stick w/ my EeePC 901 for critical listening.

AntonioII 發表於 2010-4-8 11:40

Hi, Chings, OPPO have launched the latest firmware, the link is following:

MingSir 發表於 2010-4-8 12:35

I am Illuminati D60 user too{:6_157:}, I love it so much !

MingSir 發表於 2010-4-8 12:43

"...but I really don’t think it will win >$10000HKD CD-player like the others said.."

No hard feelings, I am the one who said these !

I say so is referring to the gears I have, I got CEC 51XZ and anold Cary CD 300/100, I do think 83SE can win my old Cary CD300/100 which original price is much more than $10k, but not my Cheaper CEC(<$10k),CEC and 83SE has different character, CEC is more musical while 83SE has more details, better focus, deeper bass and very good dynamic. But I still love my CEC, but the demerits of CEC is, it cannot play SACD and DVD-Audio ! That's why I have the captioned conclusion, no mean to hard sell my 83SE !{:6_162:}

pkny 發表於 2010-4-8 16:18

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-4-8 16:20 編輯

MingSir hing, of course no hard feeling la{:6_182:} .I never expect the 83SE will win ~10k CD-player.From my older posts on another forum, I said 83SE only has 80% of Denon S10II as DAC.   I meant it.The 83SE, on one hand, is very detail, clean and dynamic; on the other hand, it is cold, hard, and lack of life-like organic feeling.It is very suitable for AV (hey, it is a bd-player).
For the price point, it is a very good product.I believe it will beat the similar priced or even a bit more expensive bd-player for picture and sound quality.But like you said no need to hard sell it.

pkny 發表於 2010-4-8 16:25

I am Illuminati D60 user too, I love it so much !
MingSir 發表於 2010-4-8 12:35

I heard that nowadays it is very hard to find   {:6_238:}

klinsmn 發表於 2010-4-12 13:04

Djaddy hing, one more thing:Do not change the name of the processed AVCHD folder.It must be “AV ...
pkny 發表於 2010-3-9 10:55

Hey PKNY,能否介紹你用的轉換軟體,幾具體的操作過程,是否這樣:
1.txmuxer選AVCHD mode混軌output出兩個文件夾(BDMV,CERTIFICATE),
   然後拷貝這兩個文件夾至大寫的“AVCHD"文件夾, then copy to USB drive.
2.the directory will be like this as you mentioned:
    USB Drive:/ENG/ Movie1/AVCHD

在txmuxer輸出后即可拷貝至硬盤播放?tsmuxer好像不能處理DTS-MA、 Dolby True-HD,這兩種音軌PKNY cing如何實現的?
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