djaddy 發表於 2010-4-27 11:51


Try turning off all other applications, and test the video with 1pass fast.
pkny 發表於 2010-4-26 04:33

I am testing Pass1 Turbo now.

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-27 23:58


Try turning off all other applications, and test the video with 1pass fast.
pkny 發表於 2010-4-26 04:33

One Pass Turbo works fine. I am sticking w/ it!

pkny 發表於 2010-4-28 04:47

回復 735# djaddy

I'm glad to hear that it is working for you finally.{:6_195:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-28 07:55


I'm glad to hear that it is working for you finally.
pkny 發表於 2010-4-28 04:47

Thx. 1 Pass Turbo 's quality isn't bad.

kelvines 發表於 2010-4-30 10:21

Thanks for djaddy......studying

Dulldull 發表於 2010-5-1 08:58

本帖最後由 Dulldull 於 2010-5-1 11:39 編輯

I can not find any oppo in my onkyo remote
can I use other band ? Or I have to learn the key one by one ?

pkny 發表於 2010-5-1 14:03

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-5-1 14:23 編輯

I can not find any oppo in my onkyo remote
can I use other band ? Or I have to learn the key one by...
Dulldull 發表於 2010-5-1 08:58

You can use Toshiba, Philips, or Marantz DVD player code to control the Oppo if the Remote Control Code was set to Alt. code.
There are two ways to change to Alt.code:
1.In Oppo, go to Setup Menu->Device Setup-> Remote Control Code, and set it to Alt. Code.
2.Set your Onkyo remote to Toshiba, Philips, or Marantz DVD player code.Then open the tray on Oppo.Press and hold the Enter key on Onkyo remote for >5sec.The Oppo's front panel should display Alt. code.

{:6_213:} Warning:Once you set the Oppo to Alt. Code, your original Oppo remote code will NOT work unless you set the Remote Control Code back to code 1. (Assume your Oppo remote is set to 1.You can set it by opening the battery compartment on the remote.)

I personally don't recommend change the code to Alt. code because a universal remote usually have less assigned than the original remote.But every user is different.You may find your Onkyo remote works better.

ccfa_hp 發表於 2010-5-1 14:17

Oppo 83 需唔需要外置火牛 ?

ivanyiu 發表於 2010-5-1 15:18

回復 741# ccfa_hp

唔駛. 110v ~ 240v.

Dulldull 發表於 2010-5-1 23:08

回復 740# pkny


我重以為佢可以好似MTV咁可以用幾個 remote code
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