qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 17:52

咁只係將答案範圍收窄, 最終都冇可能達成一致共識~~
因為你會覺得你自己耳朵係權威, 別人一樣可以, 個個都可以係權威, 咁點會有最終答案?

joelkw 發表於 2011-8-24 17:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    You are absolutely right.And that's exactly how audio equipment manufacturers make money -- with the right marketing campaign, you can always find someone to pay for your products.That's also exactly how you have people who think 7N is way better than 6N...{:6_182:}

joelkw 發表於 2011-8-24 17:54

本帖最後由 joelkw 於 2011-8-24 21:27 編輯

所以小弟諗法係: 同檯食飯, 各自修行~~ 根本唔存在對與錯, 無謂夾硬要別人認同你o既權威, 亦唔需要特登去迎合別人論點~

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-8-24 17:57

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-8-24 18:00 編輯

Red: It's simply not true.
Blue: That is true, but you can make unlimited copies of the files without any errors/ loss of information...Something you can't do with CDs.And hard drives actually last longer than you think.

You keep repeating things that are either wrong or irrelevant.Stop misleading people.Reasoning with people here who pretend to know is getting very annoying...
qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 17:26 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif





qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 18:00




Big_McIn 發表於 2011-8-24 17:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Sure, except that you said things that were factually wrong.And somebody gotta bust you for that...

chhanthony 發表於 2011-8-24 18:02

Nothing wrong with wav at all if you have plenty of hard drive space, and if you don't mind n ...
qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 17:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

真下我用media player play歌就話無問題,但打算入部Squeexebox Classic一來當鐘用二來用嚟做network player,

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-8-24 18:03

Sure, except that you said things that were factually wrong.And somebody gotta bust you for ...
qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 18:00 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


chhanthony 發表於 2011-8-24 18:06


qwe456 發表於 2011-8-24 18:07

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-8-24 18:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Do yourself a favor: start doing that by stop spreading things that are factually wrong.Otherwise, you are just going to embarrass yourself further.

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-8-24 18:13

回復 78# qwe456

kc2wong 發表於 2011-8-24 18:14

LPCM vs DTS HD ~ 因為要由player stream data去amp,所以傳送大量的data的話(LPCM),失真會比DTS HD為高,所以可以用bitstream的話都用bitstream

FLAC vs WAV,只係牽涉讀file,兩者讀錯的機會都低,但N年前嚟講,FLAC係差過WAV,因為要做streaming,同埋一邊uncompress一邊decode。但現在啲CPU又強,memory又多,好啲的player都會先讀晒成個flac,解壓先再播,同直播wav係冇分別。


而FLAC 同wav
可唔可以睇成AV入面嘅LPCM同DTS HDMA同Dolby TrueHD呢個分別
當然DTS HDMA同Dolby TrueHD除咗 ...
chhanthony 發表於 2011-8-24 17:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
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查看完整版本: 聽 Lossless FLAC, WAV 同 CD 冇分別?

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