聽 Lossless FLAC, WAV 同 CD 冇分別?
想請教, 聽 Lossless FLAC, WAV 同 CD 冇分別?我係比較 Techincal 既人, 可以解得好 Technical 都得..
謝謝! 想請教, 聽 Lossless FLAC, WAV 同 CD 冇分別?
我係比較 Techincal 既人, 可以解得好 Technical 都得..
謝 ...
atsw10 發表於 2011-8-19 16:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你對耳話無分別咪無分別囉, 可以慳番唔少. 回復 2# chiuching
咁 Lossless 係咪真係 Lossless? 自己去聽啦...
你對耳話無分別咪無分別囉, 可以慳番唔少.
chiuching 發表於 2011-8-19 16:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
自己耳仔話事X2{:6_193:} 回復 4# qk8082900
不如我咁問, 我去 Rip CD (SACD 除外), LPCD, XRCD, HDCD 都可以將 CD 入面 100% 原汁原味 Rip 出黎?? 玩音響係以假亂真 係DAC度 前級度加加減減 同錄音果陣可能已經差好遠了
所以唔好去計較 俾你如全冇失真既白飯\可能都不及一碟加左味精既炒飯
最緊要你耳仔收貨 唔係乜野都係假
CDP機芯唔同牌子取向都唔同><{:6_188:} Flac file is nearest 99.5% of the CD, since it rip from the CD.
During the ripping, the rom, cable, Power adapter and Disc reflection are the factors to affect the ripping according.
The best way is first to rip the Disc in ISO files since this the digital image, then use the image to ripping. Almost 99.99% of CD Don't use the wav files to rip to flac files 本帖最後由 joelkw 於 2011-8-19 17:56 編輯
不如我咁問, 我去 Rip CD (SACD 除外), LPCD, XRCD, HDCD 都可以將 CD 入面 100% 原汁原 ...
atsw10 發表於 2011-8-19 16:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Rip CD呢家野都幾考功夫, 我試過用唔同softeware rip出黎有唔同效果, 又試過用notebook內置dvd rom同外置dvd rom rip出黎簡直兩個世界, 用內置rip出黎果d真係唔聽得, 背景嘈到爆, d聲聽到想死.... 如果用外置dvd rom, 要放得好穩, rip緊唔好用部電腦做其他野, 唔好震倒個dvd rom, 條usb接線又有影響, 總之當你聽得出, 就會多多事實, 聽唔出就mp3 128k都收貨咁啦~~
又聽講如果cd俾電腦rip完又要消磁, 唔係隻cd又會衰聲.... 真係麻煩多多, 會唔會樣樣做齊, 就要睇下你有幾發燒啦~~ 回復 7# flyingpig1355
唔好怪我煩, 請問果 1% Lost 係乜?