spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 23:53

kl122002 發表於 2015-10-3 23:47 static/image/common/back.gif
老人家對手打字慢, 真是很對不起

St Martin in Field 本身是一座london的古老教堂.

With thousand thanks,,,{:6_162:} {:6_162:}

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 23:56

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-3 23:51 static/image/common/back.gif
"Academy of Saint Martin in the fields" is one of the famous and respectable London-based classi ...

With thousand thanks, too...{:6_162:} {:6_162:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-4 00:01

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 23:56 static/image/common/back.gif
With thousand thanks, too...

this is my old stuff{:8_399:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-4 00:11

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 23:56 static/image/common/back.gif
With thousand thanks, too...

so far the most impressive CD performance and recording ofSir Neville Marriner is this rare Mozart piece at the 80's era{:8_403:}

you may start hear 20:50 the third movement, this is very easy to like{:8_364:}



kl122002 發表於 2015-10-4 08:48

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-3 23:51 static/image/common/back.gif
"Academy of Saint Martin in the fields" is one of the famous and respectable London-based classi ...

以前在鴨記見過一次, 之後沒了.

唉, 香港真是好少人聽chamber music {:6_150:}

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-4 22:53

kl122002 發表於 2015-10-1 13:30 static/image/common/back.gif

如果問最近的琴版有什麼好, 這張是我的推介

C hing, i try to buy the "Blue Danube", any comment?...{:6_162:}

kl122002 發表於 2015-10-5 06:34

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-4 22:53 static/image/common/back.gif
C hing, i try to buy the "Blue Danube", any comment?...

我記得卡爺+VPO錄左好多次. 基本上有VPO 在場都唔會差.
而且好定每年的新年D 都一定有???

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-7 00:55

also found two 3-inch classical CD, very funny 15 minutes length cannot accommodate the whole music piece{:8_386:}

kl122002 發表於 2015-10-7 06:24

ernietse 發表於 2015-10-7 00:55 static/image/common/back.gif
also found two 3-inch classical CD, very funny 15 minutes length cannot accommodate the whole musi ...

真心好奇...3inch 有咩用...?{:6_198:}

cwyip 發表於 2015-10-7 17:59

又來大boxset 68 隻碟 今次到Murray Perahia 原來出了幾年
頁: 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 [175] 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
查看完整版本: 只講古典CD, 任何廠都可以 ^_^

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