發表於 2015-10-3 16:39
朋友推薦的兩張Violin 。。。初哥的我不熟悉曲目但覺好聽
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-10-3 16:59
spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 16:39 static/image/common/back.gif
朋友推薦的兩張Violin 。。。初哥的我不熟悉曲目但覺好聽
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...
Telemann 果隻梗係好聽!錄音仲唔差!
發表於 2015-10-3 22:26
之前見到得歐版 今日發現有美版即比錢{:9_407:}
發表於 2015-10-3 22:51
spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 16:39 static/image/common/back.gif
朋友推薦的兩張Violin 。。。初哥的我不熟悉曲目但覺好聽
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...
Oistrakh 的夠平, 非入不可.
發表於 2015-10-3 22:57
大雨無出街在家攪清潔, 無意番出這兩張CD,因是初哥, 現向師兄求教, 這是什麼來的。。。??
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發表於 2015-10-3 22:59
發表於 2015-10-3 23:21
多謝師兄, 我真的想請教是什麼來的, 印象中好像是多年前在二手唱片見平大約二十元一隻和封面特別才買回來, 但只聽了一段便收起, 因當年仍未接受古典, 莫見笑。。。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-10-3 23:32
其實睇曲目應該幾易聽喎 Marriner 吾差的 只是Philips 喜歡編佢入中平價系列{:1_336:}
發表於 2015-10-3 23:47
spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 22:59 static/image/common/back.gif
老人家對手打字慢, 真是很對不起{:6_129:}
St Martin in Field 本身是一座london的古老教堂.
Academyof St Martin in Field是樂團, 漸漸由家教堂裡走出來的. 樂團玩得最出色的特別是chamber類, Mozart的不差,沒記錯的話還有<四季>都很出名.
可以一聽這個youtube :
你手上的其中他們最精選. 看起來你keep很好. 我手上的那張已脫銀了...(之後也不見了)
Philips 出了不少由他們錄的CD, 其實好多時d chamber都是由佢地錄的, 不過當年聽chamber的人好少,
或者應說在香港玩hifi的人覺得沒得炸, 高低音盡走而唔多討好, 猶其80年代.
Chamber是幾考中頻的分析, 差少少就是差少少. 記得有D朋友的日本仔器才(當年) 去唔到果種柔美感, 得歐美的可以.
Philips 事實有幾多chamber樂團,除左Academy St Martin in Field ,
仲有I-Music 等等, 實在太多 只好當中價位賣.質素唔差, 就是奇怪地被當成了中檔次.
Decca/Argo和EMI 都有出過:
(官網) http://www.asmf.org/recordings/
有部電影的音樂都是由他們錄的 <Amadeus >:
發表於 2015-10-3 23:51
本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-10-3 23:57 編輯
spencerchan1 發表於 2015-10-3 23:21 static/image/common/back.gif
多謝師兄, 我真的想請教是什麼來的, 印象中好像是多年前在二手唱片見平大約二十元一隻和封面特別才買回來 ...
"Academy of Saint Martin in the fields" is one of the famous and respectable London-based classical music orchestra, was founded by Sir Neville Marriner since 1959, originally their mission focuses the revival of baroque performances in Britain, but as time goes by they play various classical music.
Whenever you ask about Sir Neville Marriner, it is easy to associate him with Academy of St Martin in the Fields perhaps most of the recording are conducting by him, so he has a trademark figure of the chamber music orchestra
Your 1989 CD are the jubilee edition to celebrate their 1989-1959 = 40 anniversary years to compile their signature performance and recording, there are so many great wind performing stars such as violinist Iona Brown and oboist Heinz Holliger
Both performance and recording are quality-assured, they would try to play as many Baroque music and even more unpopular pieces, their performance and recording on Mozart music is distinctive too{:8_376:}
Your Cd has some ROSSINI opera overtures too{:8_369:}
maybe you seriously re-listen these CD again, if you like, you may buy their box set too{:8_370:}