ernietse 發表於 2015-9-29 21:52

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-30 09:14 編輯

dc903 發表於 2015-9-29 20:51 static/image/common/back.gif
首先隻碟仲係到,但唔知放在那裡,亦唔知是否cd recordable, 因經你們談話才知有這東西。 ...

PHILIPS detailed look of both side, and MAXELL / AXIA Japanese brand CD-RW {:8_380:}

Does anybody has other brand or look of CD-Recordable or CD-ReWriterable to share with us to see see?{:8_395:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-29 22:00

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-29 10:20 static/image/common/back.gif
可以説聲音穩定少少不過就是playback - record
聲音自覺不是原 ...

Before I adopt the Compact Disc Recorder (CD-Recordable / Rewriterable) for my vinyl archive, I used SONY MiniDisc for my music archive.

Here are my TDK XA PRO 74{:8_364:}

Do you convert your valuable vinyl to other format for archive?{:8_365:}

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 06:46

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-30 06:50 編輯

真是久久不見這些早年的CD-R 和CD-RW{:6_138:}
那種轉錄...我有印象在灣仔見過, 只是我沒有用過. 因為用黑膠轉入CD....甘樣不是會有很多炒豆聲都錄進去嗎?

記得早年(電腦)用的CD-RW也不平, 我以前有一張Kodak 出的, 入手價是70蚊. 當然以現在看, 那餉只有 2x的燒速已是笑死人的地步了.

我沒有用過minidisk, 原因是碟細細又要用sony的轉用機, 好似不是味兒.
更重要是我入一張同輯CD而一張同輯黑膠. 所以基本上沒有入手轉錄機的必要.
當然, 也很費錢了{:6_202:} 也是有些入了的CD之後一借不返的可悲{:6_201:}

cwyip 發表於 2015-9-30 15:27

講起lp 轉錄cd 可trytry spectrum sound 尼二隻cd 好多經典錄音得以重見天日

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 19:21

Perlman的大大盒出左了, 共77只. 而散的同時都有.
散價 75-88 有, 而大大盒的我見是千七.

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-30 20:01

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-30 20:06 編輯

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 06:46 static/image/common/back.gif
真是久久不見這些早年的CD-R 和CD-RW
那種轉錄...我有印象在灣 ...

Yes, transferring analogue vinyl into digital storage media also preserving those crack and pop unwanted noise too, so before sacred music transfer I would deep cleaning the vinyl such as helping the vinyl to do facial, it really deep cleaned and lubricated the grooves and remove statics (but those vinyl cleaning gel,taking many hours to dry, are no longer produced nowadays too)

But no choice if no CD reissue. Same as the rule of "Wear & Tear), the more vinyl playback the sound will be deteriorated thereafter, so I prefer music transfer as soon as possible, so I can keep playback the archive copy more convenient and preserve the vinyl (in fact, I am just lazy to playback vinyl every-time as an excuse)

Since you mostly listening to Classical music, I believe over 90% old recording has been reissued in compact disc format officially, isn't it?

But as I listen to mostly 12-inch dance music. limited edition of DJ remix services or pop songs, I think just around 70% has been reissued on CD yet, there are many previous vinyl edition still not reissued yet, perhaps due to copyrights, lost of original mastertape (so many Cantonese pop from WEA HK has been lost , eg. RUTH TSANG). or demand and supply marketing factors

MiniDIsc was my first choice to transfer cassette tape or vinyl sound to digital storage, then CD-R or CD-RW, now is MP3 of FLAC computer files

That's why I believe TECHNOLOGY changes that we shall look forward to new product and also enjoy this long-long ever-changing musical journey, so I am willing to accept the new format to retain those familiar old but good performance and recording{:8_364:}

dc903 發表於 2015-9-30 21:06

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-29 21:52 static/image/common/back.gif
PHILIPS detailed look of both side, and MAXELL / AXIA Japanese brand CD-RW

找到了, 當時無黑膠機, 亦找不到此碟光碟版, 很喜歡其中一首偶像占士甸, 少時常在賓士玩樂時常聽的(實際聽的不同此album
version; 應是打碟之人的remix版本),

另外多年前在SSP見有此薄碟賣(全新), 買時貪要薄盒, 碟反而次要, 回家看才知是吉碟, 估用作copy sony artac song用, 自己用作backup用.

PS 由於此碟不是原版, 或者稱此為過渡版, 只是供觀看研習, 不作播放用; 因己入了廉價版!

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 22:27

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-30 20:01 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, transferring analogue vinyl into digital storage media also preserving those crack and pop u ...

所以我成日都話你好野{:6_193:} 支神奇啫哩你都仲keep住. 仲用唔用得?
我諗沒40歲, 又或者好早玩hifi的人兄都未見過.

我轉得最多的是轉錄音帶. 面對甘多古典CD, 轉錄音帶的價位平是一大原因.
以前廣東口水歌, 邵氐黃梅調都由黑膠轉入錄音帶, 有大帶又有細帶. 說是如此, 不是脫磁就是發mod,好多都早已不在人間了.
如果你問我直覺, 黑膠轉入高轉速大錄音 (R-R)帶是可以keep得最好. 因為黑膠的33 rpm入7-15 IPS而言是唔差(而15 IPS更是唔錯)
呢D野唔好講甘多, 搞到自已好似好Q老{:6_136:}

好似最新出的Perlman, 以前是EMI下的, 家下轉左Warner Classic 時, 發覺錄音是來自Parlophone
D版權幾精彩. 有好多錄音是沒問世過, 又底者沒出過CD.

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 22:30

話說TST HKR 在10月7號88 ,
說真的, 大體上沒什麼好看
只是古典的CD比較多, 唔介意再版可以真的去望望

moliu 發表於 2015-9-30 22:58

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-30 22:30 static/image/common/back.gif
話說TST HKR 在10月7號88 ,
說真的, 大體上沒什麼好看
只是古典的CD比較多, 唔介意再版可以真的去望望...


頁: 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 [171] 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
查看完整版本: 只講古典CD, 任何廠都可以 ^_^

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