MegaMega 發表於 2015-9-27 19:13


ernietse 發表於 2015-9-27 22:28

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-28 04:01 編輯

MegaMega 發表於 2015-9-27 19:13 static/image/common/back.gif
我暑假都係Book-off以估你唔到超值價(500yen)入手呢隻,因為買個時無得拆,番到酒店一開先知日版冇ifpi ...

Does anybody here can tell what is the difference without "ifpi" compact disc really sounding better?

I know ifpi is an industrial logo printed or embossed onto the center ring of CD mostly after late 80's made CD mainly in ASIA, EUROPE, or NORTH AMERICA pressing (perhaps there was a serious offence of fake CD in the consumer markets)

It is easy to divide the CD-made timeline before or after 1994 (Introduction of Source Identification SID codes: ifpi L#####), but does this really mean better sound? any exceptional case?{:1_342:}

To my understanding, to fight the fake unauthorized CD pressing,I think this is the logo to give confidence to consumers that the Compact Disc is an officially-authorized product, which is the originally-manufactured CD rather than those bootleg or fake items. In case of query, the reference numbers may be able to track back the details of copyright owner,the authorization of numbers of CD pressing, and the CD plant info, etc...

Or for the IFPI organization to easily monitor and control the manufacturing records for checking unauthorized CD pressing, it does not representing any good or bad sound indicator at all.

spencerchan1 發表於 2015-9-28 01:21

朋友知我是古典初哥, 介紹了這張人稱"砧板"給我, 聽後覺得很好聽和易入喉。。。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

ultramanzoffy 發表於 2015-9-28 05:24

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-27 22:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Does anybody here can tell what is the difference without "ifpi" compact disc really sounding be ...

HI ! ernietse 兄, 這要看你本身認不認同頭版或很早期的cd版本會較後期的CD版本有較好聲音或音質了.{:8_390:}
因始終無可否認,如最早期的cd版本,一定用母帶灌錄,而幾肯定那時一定是母帶最理想時候,analog母帶不可能用作灌錄一次,會一次好過一次吧. 如你不認同此理論,就當一些人的一些迷思罷.{:6_148:}

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-28 07:16

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-28 19:14 編輯

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-27 22:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Does anybody here can tell what is the difference without "ifpi" compact disc really sounding be ...

My friend Ernetse , please don't get mad with ifpi.
你說的和我所知的都是一樣, IFPI 1994出現, 主力是打擊非法的CD. 因為1990前後最多盜版. 當年的盜版是一家家的CD工廠, 不是現在那種在家燒的CDR. 昔日盜版的音質也不算太差, 只是出入一定有.
CD不是平價野, 但技術被盜(主要是舊器才流出), 所偉大的CD發明家philips, 連同廠如polygram,   推行IFPI.

一個母盤出完又返出真的是有少少問題. 如果仲記得是如何印CD的話.
古典用的分價好明顯, 新母盤就是貴一點, 舊的就是平價版.
之不過早期沒IFPI的真是炒的過火. 又者自EMI/ Warner 重新remaster 之後, 新聲好過舊聲.

1994年之後不少人成日話CD唔得唔得, 主力大吹此主義的還是亞洲地區. (有時我都唔知亞洲的hifi唔得, 日本仔出的amp事實不是聲太硬就是分析力麻麻(當年) , 還是點樣?)
我自已都中過伏, 成日以為01版, 好多***/++++版好聲. 試過好奇一找, 基本不存在單*/+, 01的東西.

有時一出的時候已是1994, 到底有IFPI, 定沒IFPI? 有人手上一張94年的CD和我吵過誰是頭版, 寫過信去polygram,
笑死人的笞案是 polygram答我有IFPI的是正版, 沒IFPI可能是公司的過渡期產物, 又或者是翻版{:6_180:}

入到沒IFPI的早期版真是值得恭喜. 當是抽獎抽中.
如果大家都好怕IFPI, 甘樣大家是不是在1994年之後不買CD呢? {:6_138:}

tlsk 發表於 2015-9-28 17:18


kl122002 發表於 2015-9-28 18:27

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-28 18:33 編輯


下週有Perlman 的CD賣了

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-28 18:54

ultramanzoffy 發表於 2015-9-28 05:24 static/image/common/back.gif
HI ! ernietse 兄, 這要看你本身認不認同頭版或很早期的cd版本會較後期的CD版本有較好聲音或音質了.{:8_3 ...

thank ultramanzoffy for your feedback here first:

I think I would not acknowledge ALL early-pressed or first generation are good recording and CD pressing, seriously I would evaluate case by case. Same as the Classical music world, we need to evaluate so many elements:

(1) Performance of the artist (singer or conductor performance, good take or second best take)
(2) Recording of the performance (analogue tape 2 tracks to multi-tracks, digital 16bit PCM or 1bit DSD, etc)
(3) Manufacturing of the performance (regular vinyl LP, half-speed 45rpm vinyl, sony mastersound vinyl, teldec Direct Metal Mastering, CD, blue spec CD, S-HMCD, HQCD, etc)
(4) Technology of format (cassette tape, vinyl, cd, sacd, FLAC computer file, etc)

each of the above elements mutually affected the final product of nowadays Compact Disc, therefore: I don't simply buy the timeline before 1994 CD are the masterpiece, as our world is keep progressing

Yes, CD is simply 1010 to laser reader and its IC chips for decoding the data and convert back to analogue human hearing sound, but I don't think it is same to different major CD manufacturing plant.
In Hong Kong we are lucky to have choices of UK, French, Holland, German, Canada, USA, Japan, Korea, Taiwan pressing CD. Even the same original recording, different CD manufacturer definitely have their unique technology and Quality Control,affecting the final product. As time goes by, some of my CD before 1994 made, the CD label printing is fading out, but sound is still okay
In conclusion, I would also concern not only the sound performance of CD, but also the CD label printing and the oxidation of cd too

Theoretically I agree the more the mastertape playback the more wear and tear resulted.
However, technology is irresistible to ignore, I would not blind faith to believe without ifpi 1994 logo meaning the best CD at all, I may respect this wisdom by considering case by case

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-28 19:23

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-28 07:16 static/image/common/back.gif
My friend Ernetse , please don't get mad with ifpi.
你說的和我所知的都是一樣, IFPI 1994出現, 主力 ...

thank kl122002 for your feedback here first{:8_387:}

I don't mad at ifpi, positively I feel peace of mind that I am buying a real officially authorized CD. Basically the ifpi mark just to differentiate:

(1) CD pressing before or after 1994 year made
(2) CD is officially authorized product or fake unauthorized CD

again there is no guarantee the good sound quality at all. Traditional wisdom may be the older is the better based on the notion of the original mastertape is less damage and in better shape, so the end-result shall be deemed to be the best.

Modern wisdom may challenge those old wisdom that the technology change such as the new chain of recording format (high definition digital era) may help to discover some of the missing details hidden in the mastertape with years of research and development

Briefly I don't think I would blind faith to treasure those older generation of first-pressing or early-pressed CD

How about can anybody can recommend any first-pressing or early-pressing CD is really better than the newer CD?


kl122002 發表於 2015-9-28 19:53

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-28 19:23 static/image/common/back.gif
thank kl122002for your feedback here first

I don't mad at ifpi, positively I feel pea ...

我自覺吹頭版風是一種"因為前人甘樣講, 後人繼續講"而上下繼承, 有少少仲吹大左.
事實, 當年第一時間入手, 今日第一時間入手, 咩就係頭版lo.
少去買電話, 炒股票, 留多少少錢就可以入多一只好CD.

我不信昔的三皇冠IC晶片好過新的Burr Brown / Wolfson /Cirrus等等的晶片{:6_199:}
出聲的還有線材, amp, 喇叭, 點講都多多少少影響.
科技呢家野...以前的手機只可以打出打入, 家下可以上網, 拍片仲有好多好多工能.

不過如果你問我音色, CD是幾特別.
沒有DAC的電腦感, 也不至黑膠的過於模擬 . 所以CD有佢的生存地位.

頁: 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 [169] 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
查看完整版本: 只講古典CD, 任何廠都可以 ^_^

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