發表於 2011-8-17 00:33
Thanks Explorehk C.Hing.
發表於 2011-8-17 01:40
Dear all,
I'm interested and pls kindly pm me 蘇寧 sales & hk/china driver number also ,
or email to
Thanks a lot
發表於 2011-8-21 18:52
Dear ExplorerHK Ching,
Can you please kindly pm me 蘇寧 sales & hk/china driver number also ,
or email to
Thank you very much.
發表於 2011-8-21 19:22
I also would like to share some information as well.
When I was checking branded 55' TV, I found the price in Australia is especially cheaper. I was wonder why, because everything in Australia are very very expensive comparing to HK, I am talking about normal meals, daily groceries, electric goods etc etc. I was so tempted to buy it from Australia, so that I contacted JB Hi Fi over in Australia. JB HiFi is the biggest chain stores that sell Electrics Appliances which is very similar to Broadway to HK. They are selling HX920 55" and confirmed that they Made in Malaysia too, for $4381 AUD. If you ... 4381 x 8 =$35048 HKD.
First of all, JB HiFi never ever classify as cheapest store, they branded like "Broadway" in HK. Maybe their customer services is better, have alot of chain stores around Australia, but they are well known not cheap at all. You cannot bargain price with JB too, but maybe they are bigger stores, so that you have better peace in mind.
Also, Australia's HX920 is English only ....
Having said that, I went to 廣州 for short trip holiday. I happened to bump into Suning at 廣州 yesterday, their advertised price was $24999 RMB. I didn't negotiate the price with them, but I asked them about the warranty, I was told HX920 warranty was meant to be Worldwide warranty as they have customers from Africa or Middle East that bought this TV from them and sent it back to their country. I will contact Sony HK tomorrow to confirm that, and will update here when I found out.
Secondly, I also would like to raise another point too, MIC or MIM, I think they are literally the same ?? They all made by robot anyway. For part wise, I dont see reason why Sony want to put cheaper parts in China factory and more expensive in Malay, it just doesn't make sense. For HK HX920 and CN HX920 they all have 3 years warranty, why would Sony make a bad name to China community which their customer base is 10000 times large than HK ?? hehe
Just my 2 cents
發表於 2011-8-22 21:50
I also would like to share some information as well.
When I was checking branded 55' TV, I found th ...
poohpoohguy 發表於 2011-8-21 19:22
其實AUS賣只係平過香港, 比起大部份地方都係貴少少or差唔多. AUS個價35000係未計運費, 仲要無得驗貨, 如果係咁我建議不如買日本版好過, 起碼日本版都唔洗3皮. 第2樣係數碼電視接收問題, 我可以99%肯定AUS版同埋其他地區版本o既內置解碼器係唔會收到香港數碼電視, 因為我地用緊o既制式, 只係香港同大陸用, 獨一無二.
大陸版都係全國免費聯養, 但係唔包括香港同澳門. 詳情你可以上Sony China website有寫. FYI, 有保養但唔代表免費, 我地check左香港係都係會維修大陸版, 不過要係另收費.
MIM or MIC 有冇分別無人知, 但MIJ就應該有分別, at least 佢有錄影功能, 所以各版本真係有少許分別都唔奇.但MIM 同MIC 分別係唔係大到要差1倍價錢, 我就有保留喇.
發表於 2011-8-22 23:16
嘩呢個Forum真係好正!! explorerhkCHing 可唔可以post D wide shot 硬照分享一下你部頂級Bravia o既最新情況? 美國同加拿大賣得咁平又係made in where?
發表於 2011-8-23 23:43
本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 2011-8-23 23:44 編輯
嘩呢個Forum真係好正!! explorerhkCHing 可唔可以post D wide shot 硬照分享一下你部頂級Bravia o既最新情 ...
Babyfrog 發表於 2011-8-22 23:16
好耐之前post過, 你去呢到睇
我tune過d 色, 而家非常滿意. 再加上平香港差唔多1半價錢, 完全無野好投訴 XD
咁我又唔知美國同加拿大版係邊到做, 不過我估都係MIM多. 其實最平好似係日本版, 跟住就係大陸版. 美國同加拿大賣緊係正常價, 而家香港係賣緊水魚價, 我相信香港係全世界賣得最貴的地方 , 我估除了第3世界國家除外, 因為呢個同Demand & Supply有關.
發表於 2011-8-23 23:58
各位師兄, Sony HX920 65" 終於出左官價, 賣RMB49,999 (~HK$61,000). HX920 55"同66" 規格完全一樣. 而家接受預訂至9月12日, 有2個package
1. 加99元即可得与BRAVIA配套的MDR-RF4000K 无线耳机,立省1200元。
2. 加499元即可得3D Blu-ray Disc/DVD播放器,立省1100元,并可免费获赠2副3D眼镜,1根DHMI线,2部3D蓝光碟片。
Again, 65" 比 55" 貴1倍價錢, 但只係多左10吋, 有冇需要就真係見仁見智.
發表於 2011-8-24 23:51
本帖最後由 Babyfrog 於 2011-8-24 23:55 編輯
好耐之前post過, 你去呢到睇
我tune過d 色, 而家非常滿意. 再加上平香港差唔多1半價錢, 完全無野好投 ...
explorerhk 發表於 2011-8-23 23:43
哈哈...唔好意思, 我走左眼...
CHing 你既見解我大部份都認同, 不過D & S 呢樣野我就有保留, 有D CHIng 更話係因為租貴人工貴同市場推廣問題, 其實邊個先進地方無呢樣野丫?
根本就唔關我地消費者事, 部電視都係一式一樣咁做出黎架勒, 香港版同大陸版根本就一樣(Sony 高層曾經回應話兩部機質量唔同) 計我話美加版9成係大陸做。
其實邊道做都無所謂, 就算係NX720只要佢地賣番美國價錢我都收貨架, 但係嗰班PK代理同水貨佬......食水深重成日寫錯做行貨...
我曾經同一個加拿大返黎既CNine傾過呢樣野, 我問佢知唔點解美國D電視機咁平, 55吋都係2千幾? 結果係佢都答唔倒我, 反而多謝我提供左D筍料俾佢....佢真係客氣....我亦俾佢激UN{:1_331:}
至於大家對香港代理的搶狂行為其實可以向消委會反影, 將你地係呢道發表既意見照話俾佢地聽就得架喇, 我都己經sent左去喇!, 當然打去電台phone in 節目就更好啦!
發表於 2011-8-25 11:29
explorerhk c hing,
可唔可以PM蘇寧 sales 同中港 driver 電話number俾我??