marumaro 發表於 2017-12-20 11:29

582 發表於 2017-12-20 01:02

用USB 出到3D?

582 發表於 2017-12-20 11:38

本帖最後由 582 於 2017-12-20 11:42 編輯

marumaro 發表於 2017-12-20 11:29
用USB 出到3D?

A5 menu内只見一項自動播放3D影片,開咗都係唔得,用USB駁硬碟未試過,因我全部戲都在NAS内的,會唔會WiFi過唔到3D信號?不過我係用Lan駁A5的。

marumaro 發表於 2017-12-20 12:11

582 發表於 2017-12-20 11:38
A5 menu内只見一項自動播放3D影片,開咗都係唔得,用USB駁硬碟未試過,因我全部戲都在NAS内的,會唔會WiF ...

我部A5用Usb試過播到Lego batman,Tron, Avatar 3D

阿風 發表於 2017-12-20 13:26

A5終於出 ! 今晚可以試...


1.Poster-Wall: Add automatic identification of local path or network path label function
2.Poster-Wall: Fix the lost path problem after upgrade
3.Player: Optimized the playback picture quality
4.Player: Fix residual, damaged, dislocation,etc when playback BD/4K UHD original disk navigation menu
5.Player: Fix external subtitles timeline out of synchronization in 3D playback mode
6.Player: Fix LED panel leaping second during playback
7.User Interface: Added display disk free space of the local storage device
8.User Interface: Fix text display overlap, breakpoint, space
9.User Interface: Optimized default settings of some options
10.Setting: Add Setting-General-Auto connection Bluetooth remote controller
11.Settings: Add Setting-Display-Image Engine
12.Settings: Add Setting-General-Data reset
13.Settings: Add Setting-General-Restore Factory Settings
14.Settings: Default Setting-Sound-True-HD compatibility mode-On
15.System: Optimized playback stack,abnormal system after upgrade
16.System: Fix not find network devices when use "search network sharing"
17.System: Fix Bluetooth may affect WIFI speed problem
18.System: Fix WIFI can't be connected automatically after reboot
19.System: Added "Türk dili" OSD language and optimize other OSD system languages
20.Intelligent control: Add independent infrared "turn on" and "shut down" command
21.Intelligent control: Fixed playback stutter when Wifi is on
22.Vidon XBMC: Delete expired unavailable Add-ons

If you want to use the AK86 Bluetooth remote controller, please set this option to be on, the player will automatically adapt to the AK86, which needn't manual pairing. When you do not use AK86, please set this option to be off. This option on/off will not affect other bluetooth devices using.

poster-Wall: The default file name can be recognized after newly adding local path, or which will keep the old file name.

大玩偶 發表於 2017-12-20 16:02

apple11g 發表於 2017-12-20 08:20
Egrets 好似咁多問題,Himedia 用家好似冇乜

海美迪 ?

本身同根生 , {:6_134:}   
同Egreat 一樣晶片硬件 ,

最正係 , 海美迪無Menu 架 , 個Menu 要裝人地個 Plugin 先模擬到 ...

所以玩海美迪D 人唔會用Menu , 直play file mkv/ mt2s

如果玩 Egreat 既人都唔搞果個Menu Mode , 乜都直Play , 一樣無問題架 {:6_138:}

大玩偶 發表於 2017-12-20 16:03

582 發表於 2017-12-20 11:38
A5 menu内只見一項自動播放3D影片,開咗都係唔得,用USB駁硬碟未試過,因我全部戲都在NAS内的,會唔會WiF ...

本身唔會睇 3D , 但播過 反斗車王 3D 俾小朋友睇過 , A5 應該係播到 3D

Bolandon 發表於 2017-12-20 16:23


apple11g 發表於 2017-12-20 19:28

淘寶藍黑固件full menu

samnet1 發表於 2017-12-21 09:32

阿風 發表於 2017-12-20 13:26
A5終於出 ! 今晚可以試...


呢個 firmware version 多 bug 嗎 ???

582 發表於 2017-12-21 10:19

大玩偶 發表於 2017-12-20 16:03
本身唔會睇 3D , 但播過 反斗車王 3D 俾小朋友睇過 , A5 應該係播到 3D

琴晚終於試清楚,原來A5播3D一定要開"優先播放3D模式,之前播唔到3D係有D戲Rip得唔好,可能個BD rom有問題,終於俾我揾到隻"海底奇兵2"成功播到3D,証明A5經NAS播放3D movie係得既,差D怪錯A5添!{:6_136:}
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