大mo 發表於 2017-7-19 21:08

leoleoc 發表於 2017-7-19 21:05


paris 發表於 2017-7-19 21:20

大mo 發表於 2017-7-19 21:08

肥媽唱果首歌,唉! 嘥氣!

toms110 發表於 2017-7-19 22:08

download緊, 死就死唔爭幾, upgrade完加path熄機開機睇吓啲海報仲係咪健在先{:6_126:}

ikkjr 發表於 2017-7-19 22:38

本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2017-7-20 09:01 編輯

1230 Firmware 係 Egreat 有得 download 啦.

Changelog + 2.1.19

Player: Exclusive support 4KUHD blu-ray full menu
Player: Added online subtitle function
Player: Added multichannel LPCM audiotrack RAW passthrough
Player: Optimized of open source slow response problems
Player: Subtitles time offset deviation set to +-200 seconds
Player: Always display 3D options when playing
Player: Fixed the audio stream displayed as 0Kbps
Player: Fixed the color space will change the problem
Player: Fixed the LPCM audio track caton problems on full menu mode playback
Player: Repair LPCM 5.1 may issue of noise
Player: Fixed the problem that online app could not play after playing HDR video
UI: Volume adjustment level added to 100
UI: Added homepage shortcut bar can be customized function
UI: Added six background pictures
UI: Added custom background picture function
UI: Added the first screen is still for 30 seconds to automatically reduce brightness
UI: LED display indicates the new marquee screen save
UI: Optimized screen saver(now completely shut down video output)
UI: Added new way to add shared paths in all files
Setting: Add more preferred track subtitle language
Settings: Added TRANSMISSION function switch in the general menu
Settings: Optimized "UHD" will be changed to "4K UHD" in the resolution menu
Settings: Added acceptable beta version update function
Posterwall: New version Posterwall 2.0 updated added a lot of new features
Posterwall: Added cross storage library function
Posterwall: Added library path custom name
Posterwall: Added favorite function
Posterwall: Added Collection and Series classification
Posterwall: Added direct delete file function in the poster wall
Posterwall: Added film suit editing function
Posterwall: The poster wall and File Browser Integration
Posterwall: Support subfolders to join the library
Poster-wall: Optimized filename display
Poster-wall: Fixed the wrong episodes of an unknown series
System: Built-in transmission download tools
System: Built-in applications now allowed to uninstall
System: Eliminate redundant built-in applications
System: Fixed some machines that do not enter standby problems after power on
System: Fixed will automatically switch off after the problem
System: Fixed the problem that the third-party app display some Chinese
System: optimize multiple system parameters
System: Fixed the problem that the player assistant is Chinese

大mo 發表於 2017-7-19 23:24

toms110 發表於 2017-7-19 22:08
download緊, 死就死唔爭幾, upgrade完加path熄機開機睇吓啲海報仲係咪健在先 ...


toms110 發表於 2017-7-19 23:29

大mo 發表於 2017-7-19 23:24

未, 8x%..............

toms110 發表於 2017-7-20 00:37

各位, FW1.2.3.0剛剛試了, 新增path後, 熄機開機海報終於無失蹤了(只試了兩次, 未知日後是否穩定), 但都係只搵中文殘體海報{:6_180:}
另外我之前提到跳回setting問題一樣依舊, 當設定成Ycbcr420 10bit後, 熄機開機會變回Ycbcr420 8bit, 如播片的話, 之後仲會跳回RGB444 8bit添{:6_194:}

leoleoc 發表於 2017-7-20 01:03

toms110 發表於 2017-7-20 00:37
各位, FW1.2.3.0剛剛試了, 新增path後, 熄機開機海報終於無失蹤了(只試了兩次, 未知日後是否穩定), 但都係 ...

更新完,有冇set 回出廠設定,再set 返自己的設定?

toms110 發表於 2017-7-20 01:27

leoleoc 發表於 2017-7-20 01:03
更新完,有冇set 回出廠設定,再set 返自己的設定?

有, 更新後再重回原廠設定、洗快取、洗Apps內: Egreat player、媒體儲存空間及設定, 再set英文操作才加path (HDDs本身已清除created folder)

ikkjr 發表於 2017-7-20 09:00

本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2017-7-20 09:06 編輯

toms110 發表於 2017-7-20 00:37
各位, FW1.2.3.0剛剛試了, 新增path後, 熄機開機海報終於無失蹤了(只試了兩次, 未知日後是否穩定), 但都係 ...

>另外我之前提到跳回setting問題一樣依舊, 當設定成Ycbcr420 10bit後, 熄機開機會變回Ycbcr420 8bit, 如播片的話, 之後仲會跳回RGB444 8bit添
這問題應該要等到 Andriod 7 Firmware 先可以解决 :(


7- Resolutions settings not memorized: YcbCr420 10Bit reverts back to RGB 8Bit for example or HDR setting reverts to SDR !
Rita answer: Will solve on Android 7 OS.
頁: 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 [123] 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
查看完整版本: Egreat 用家交流分享貼 [新增 Display / Audio / SMB / NFS 分享設置]

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