djaddy 發表於 2010-1-5 07:51

萬隆 Sub Cable

The NeoTech 5001 SW cable is well build.After boiling for over 200 hours, the cable performance is getting better. It felt like my 10" SW has grown bigger with extra punch. The bass sounds larger yet it did not sacrifice detail or accuracy. My living-room was filled with bass which did not boom. I enjoyed the experience very much. The only down side is that it only comes in 2 meters. It will become more convenient it isn't 3 meters for my home.

I must add, the packaging can certainly improve. Then again it's under $300, what can I expect?

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-5 23:29

L & N之分 - 飛記LCD8字頭

打開左飛記LCDTV來觀察. 個8字頭正方形那邊是L (白色), 圓形是N (黑色).

L: 方形 (白色),
N: 圓形 (黑色)

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-6 04:20

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-1-6 04:21 編輯


家中家電多, 加多噪音 & 干擾. "磁環是用在電腦, 風扇的PC上, 因為可以吸收佢地發出的 EMF,RF 防止干擾到 AV 器材."

磁環加在 audio pc or 訊號線上:

會令audio quality 細緻d & 静態d.

會令動態 & 音樂感減少.

Caution: According to research performed in Japan, 音響Power cable 唔洗加磁環 or 濾波之類.

"プロジェクター、プラズマ・液晶ディスプレイなど音には無関係 ...

Projector, plasma, lcd 等跟音質無關係的的器材可以試下直接使用, 可以提高畫面質素. 換言之, audio (如 cdp, amp等) 不可直接使用. 在 audio 的所有線材我都不建議用. 磁環是用在 電腦, 風扇的pc上, 因為可以吸收佢地發出的 EMF,RF 防止干擾到 AV 器材. 有興趣可以睇下日本關口機械的介紹磁環的正確用法

架仔野的理念跟架仔料理的寿司、刺身的理念一樣. 就是"原味" 主義. 盡量不會影響原有的東西下阻隔外來干擾的進入.以保留 "原味".所以關口的理念是建議把磁環加在干擾源上而不是audio 器材.


Some of the above material was quoted from another audio forum.

For audio:
loklok31 發表於 2009-12-2 23:35

For Video:
磁環 & 鋼沙 have similar characteristics... I used 鋼沙 @ my TV pc before, resulting in contrast being too strong and unnatural results. LCD goes up to 60kHz.Hence, 磁環 should not be applied to video or audio equipment.

Noting that when the environment improves, your av performance will improve. Therefore, 磁環 should be used @ air-conditioner, fridge, washing machine and microwave. I have applied 磁環 in my fuse box @ all the ground cables & all power cables EXCLUDING the power line for my AV system.

Applying 磁環 inside a HTPC:

I have applied 磁環 noise generating devices such as fans, led, & usb connectors. Excluding HDD, bd-rom, & power for the m/b,

Below are some examples, air-conditioner, fridge, washing machine and microwave. $10 3粒, give it a try!

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-6 22:40

ching...can u share with us where you find it ???{:6_189:}
orpheuslau 發表於 2010-1-6 17:41

A ching sold some left overs to me. He doesn't have much left. JuniorX also got some. It's sounding better & better... {:6_183:}

minimoai 發表於 2010-1-24 01:19

萬隆 Sub Cable

The NeoTech 5001 SW cable is well build.After boiling for over 200 hours, the cable performance is getting better. It felt like my 10" SW has grown bigger with extra punch. The bass...
djaddy 發表於 2010-1-5 07:51

Ching, where did you get this cable? thanks

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-24 18:19

Ching, where did you get this cable? thanks
minimoai 發表於 2010-1-24 01:19

HK hong goods, I got it from R##.

so0072002 發表於 2010-2-3 21:24

djaddy師兄, 你隻中置點放係電視頂架? 夠唔夠穩?
我放係櫃上面會姐左電視, 想學你D方法{:1_253:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-2-9 09:31

djaddy師兄, 你隻中置點放係電視頂架? 夠唔夠穩?
我放係櫃上面會姐左電視, 想學你D方法{:1_253:}
so0072002 發表於 2010-2-3 21:24

It is sitting on a book-shelf bracket (書架支架) at the back. The front is sitting on the TV.

fuman0123 發表於 2010-2-9 15:06


djaddy 發表於 2010-2-9 18:01

182# fuman0123

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查看完整版本: Djaddy的DIY家庭影院 (P.40 update)

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