djaddy 發表於 2009-11-4 11:30

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-4 12:42 編輯

wah... This thread is number 1 on the "本週推介" list! {:1_264:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-5 07:35

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-7 20:40 編輯

CAS Software - Wavelab 6.1

I just did a quick test with Asio4all + cMP + Wavelab 6.1. I found this combo quite rich sounding. It's much better without cMP.

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-5 20:31

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-7 09:18 編輯

升呢 - Oppo BDP83 入手!

The unboxing ceremony:

Built quality of the unit is quite solid. It uses a nice aluminum casing.

After running in the unit for ~ 24 hours, I can honestly say this Oppo 83 is worth every cent! Compared with PS3, the pic quality has less noise and more comfortable to my eyes. Audio-wise, it's fuller & more surround.

Note: The China version player could only read Zone 1 DVDs & Region A Blu-rays. I successfully patched the DVD all code crack: I burned the Super_Disk.ISO onto a DVD & inserted it into the Oppo player. After a few seconds, the disc ejected by itself.

File is found here:

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-6 15:22

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-8 19:44 編輯

Action Figures

Transformers... more than meets the eye...

ken2000 發表於 2009-11-7 00:32


bembem 發表於 2009-11-7 19:10


djaddy 發表於 2009-11-7 20:36

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-7 20:44 編輯

2 of my favorites {:6_174:} {:6_135:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-9 22:26

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-9 22:30 編輯

CAS: Foobar2000 + Asio4all

Setting up Foobar200 + Asio4all

Download version: foobar2000 v0.9.6.2
& Download ASIO support:

After installation, unzip the ASIO support file & paste at “C:\Program Files\foobar2000\components”

Run Foobar2000

Preference setting:
File>Preference>Playback>Output>ASIO Virtual Devices> “Add New”

Click “OK”

At “Output Devices” pick ASIO:ASIO4ALL v2

Click “Close”

ram 發表於 2009-11-10 00:01

嘻! 嘻! 小弟用緊Foobar2000 9.6.9!{:6_183:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-10 15:25

131# ram

Ram hing,

U had the chance to try cMP yet? It's a whole different world! {:6_139:}
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查看完整版本: Djaddy的DIY家庭影院 (P.40 update)

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