sonic310 發表於 2010-7-12 15:15

本帖最後由 sonic310 於 2010-7-12 15:17 編輯

You are most welcome. I am only learning myself. Please feel free to contact me for further info. ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-7-12 14:34

多謝師兄你先.我剛玩唔係太奈.spk決定用5.1(onkyo 728 or kilp Hdt500 去就我間房.
依2難就係...Onkyo 608 興 pionner 919 決擇一個. 我相信AMP一定無spk換得咁快.
Djaddy 師兄...有咩建議.俾到我
我bdp係 LX52

easy2056 發表於 2010-7-12 15:18

djaddy ching :我入左 Cayin 1205.1A 5 channel power amp,如正呀!!

djaddy 發表於 2010-7-12 15:19

多謝師兄你先.我剛玩唔係太奈.spk決定用5.1(onkyo 728 or kilp Hdt500 去就我間房.
依2難就係...Onkyo 60 ...
sonic310 發表於 2010-7-12 15:15

I picked Pioneer 1019 over Onkyo 608 for very simple reason, it sound a lot better! I did not find any surprises in 608, but Pionner made me jump out of my seat!

djaddy 發表於 2010-7-12 15:20

djaddy ching :我入左 Cayin 1205.1A 5 channel power amp,如正呀!!
easy2056 發表於 2010-7-12 15:18

Yes, it's one of the highest c/p power amps on the mkt!

sonic310 發表於 2010-7-13 00:27

I picked Pioneer 1019 over Onkyo 608 for very simple reason, it sound a lot better! I did not find ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-7-12 15:19

真係麻煩晒你師兄. 1019...無貨{:1_250:}底一級的919 會俾608好嗎?
SPK 見到有套TANNOY 5.1 . 有無咩COMMENT有關 5.1 組合嗎? THS

djaddy 發表於 2010-7-13 07:07

真係麻煩晒你師兄. 1019...無貨底一級的919 會俾608好嗎?
SPK 見到有套TANNOY 5.1 . 有無咩CO ...
sonic310 發表於 2010-7-13 00:27

Tannoy is English sound. I had a pair for my 2 ch many years. I sold them a year ago and replaced them with my current Quads. Tannoys sounded terrible with my ex-Onkyo 803. It lacked details and smoothness. I quickly went back to Marantz and I saw the blue sky once again. I really dislike Onkyo and it's AV gear. It never provided strength in any particular area.

yoes 發表於 2010-7-13 16:10

Dear Djaddy Ching,

I have just gone through the whole post. It is very much fascinating and original, especially the 沙沙and subwoofer series! The whole post is organized nicely and all your diy projects are supported by profound research/ theroy for high C/P, not just paying $$$ as fast-track. I wish i can learn more from your DIY spirit and technique one day.....

Salute & Bravo!! {:6_162:}

By the way Djaddy ching, I am planning to make my first DIY power cable for power bar. I am 100% new B not only to DIY but AV also. Would you please offer valuble advice for what kind of cable i shlould try?? Some background info:-
- no isolated power supply installed yet,
- BS standard wall socket, US standard power bar (not procured yet, maybe Oyaide MTS-6)
- AV amp will be pluged to wall directly , power bar for sub, BDP, TV and spare for future int amp, (non-filter power bar better?)

Hope to bring the sound with more power and dynamic, but no need to be very very very punchy not hit my chest, much prefer to airy, dynamic and clean sound, with warm vocal

Sorry to bother you long, but i find cable is difficult to me as it can't be test in the shop unless I bring it home...

Million thanks!!{:6_162:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-7-13 23:22

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-7-13 23:24 編輯

Dear Djaddy Ching,

I have just gone through the whole post. It is very much fascinating and origina ...
yoes 發表於 2010-7-13 16:10

Hi C-hing,

Thx for your encouragement.

- no isolated power supply installed yet,
You may try adding 磁環 to your fuse box:

- BS standard wall socket, US standard power bar (not procured yet, maybe Oyaide MTS-6)
BS standard = ?

- AV amp will be pluged to wall directly , power bar for sub, BDP, TV and spare for future int amp, (non-filter power bar better?)
Wall socket: Sub, AV amp
filtered PB: TV, BDP
non-filtered PB: CDP, Int amp

yoes 發表於 2010-7-13 23:49

Hi C-hing,

Thx for your encouragement.

- no isolated power supply installed yet,
You may try a ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-7-13 23:22

Thanks, Djaddy Ching,

"BS" means British Standard, sorry for using the short form.....
From your post images there are several types of 磁環, round..square...etc, any difference? Where can i get this 磁環??
HOw about PC for power bar? I am thinking of DIY using Oyaide 2.0 or 2.6, but don't know how they sound.....

after all, looking forward to your sharing of DIY sub 仔!!!

djaddy 發表於 2010-7-14 12:35

Thanks, Djaddy Ching,

"BS" means British Standard, sorry for using the short form.....
From your ...
yoes 發表於 2010-7-13 23:49

Let me get back to u. Quite busy these few days. :)
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