MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 00:10

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-5 21:20 static/image/common/back.gif
The Android apps does not have MCACC setting
For DTS Neo X, the output is only detected as DTS HD 7. ...

Android 版的McAccPro開關

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 00:38

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 00:10 static/image/common/back.gif
Android 版的McAccPro開關

This is sound explorer
No MCACC graph
Cannot see the terminal output from the status viewer
Look like down to 2.1
According to manual
Even upsampling is applicable to 2 channels input only
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 00:57

本帖最後由 MDLP 於 2015-11-7 01:00 編輯

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 00:38 static/image/common/back.gif
This is sound explorer
No MCACC graph
Cannot see the terminal output from the status viewer

ipad 個 mon 大咁多
setting功能都是在sound explorer進行

唔明有怎麼terminal output要在手機睇到 ?
你可唔可以cap圖講吓點Look like down to 2.1?

升頻就祇有2Ch PCM先得咁都好合理
師兄有用過邊個牌子AVamp有得升bit? 升頻 ? 揀filter ?

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 09:16

The output channel in your status viewer screen shot is blank! With a downslope arrow signifies downmix to fewer channels
From my own test, only 2.1 channels output can go up to > 48KHz
Maybe it is a wrong display from the apps

From Audioholics test, Denon 5200 can output 96KHz in direct mode with all channels under direct mode

So far, cannot find any other decent AV AMP with this problem!

I also find setting the SOUND RETRIEVER 'ON' resulted in very faint background sound and poorer sound quality

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 10:10

點會有部AV amp播5.1/7.1
因為係96/24而會downmix去2.1 ???
SC-LX更加唔會降取樣去48/24 !!!

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 10:24

或者在surround mode 揀錯 stereo 模式

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 11:49

I have tried most sound explorer setting
Still in vain
My speaker is 7.1.2 setup
Are you using 5.1 setup?

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 12:24

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 11:49 static/image/common/back.gif
I have tried most sound explorer setting
Still in vain
My speaker is 7.1.2 setup

你個speaker system有無搞錯咗?

MDLP 發表於 2015-11-7 12:26

另外你隻乜野title嘅trueHD碟有96/24 ?

AAA1 發表於 2015-11-7 12:42

本帖最後由 AAA1 於 2015-11-7 12:49 編輯

Problem solved
If I turn the speaker to 5.1 + zone 2/3
I can directly decode DTS MA 96 KHz (Janice live 2014)
If I use 7.1.2 speaker setup, no way
Only ALC listening mode allows DTS HD (48KHz)
96KHz is one step better than 48KHz (~20%)
As LX 59 does not permit manually select speaker output except inside the speaker system Home menu
So any upmixing of channels result in maximum 48KHz

Hope that later firmware can allow choosing speaker channels output (OUT P) and improve 96KHz support
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查看完整版本: Pioneer SC-LX59 開箱

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