Thanks to the great tips from pkny and djaddy, I have successfully use tsMuxeR to convert Bluray disc to AVCHD but I don't know how to convert DVD movie to AVCHD.
The main movie in DVD seems split into many .VOB files in the VIDEO_TS folders. And I couldn't find any subtitle in tsMuxeR when I tried to add VOB file.
Thanks to the great tips from pkny and djaddy, I have successfully use tsMuxeR to conver ...
cranfan 發表於 2010-4-1 11:12
It is very complicated if using tsMuxeR. It is much easier to use multiAVCHD.
Using multiAVCHD (very similar to BD):
1. Drag the video_ts folder to multiAVCHD.
2. Click Start
3. Select PS3
This method works for most DVD, unless the DVD has PCM track. In that case, use tsMuxeR.
Because the multiAVCHD will do the job in most cases, I will only put a brief guideline for tsMuxeR. I can always post the detail if someone wants it.
Using tsMuxeR:
1. Figure out which vob files are the main movie. Then use the Join button in tsMuxeR to join them together.
2. Figure out the chapters list of the DVD, and put the list in the Custom chapters list under Blu-ray tab.
3. Demux the subtitle to srt file.
4. Use DVDSubEdit to covert the srt file to txt file.
5. Add the txt file to tsMuxeR.
6. Set split size.
7. Set subtitles font size to a smaller size. The size is depend on your preference. The default is 65 which is too big. I set mine to 24.
8. Start muxing.
Note: Not all DVD subtitle can convert to AVCHD. I heard there are 20% will always fail.