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發表於 2015-10-28 19:26
本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-10-28 19:33 編輯
kongchai 發表於 2015-10-28 14:25
Black Angel 好像吸引 D
另外 Black Triangle 就更加好呀!{:1_352 ...
Black angel 係有趣的, 有英國印, 也有日本印(俗稱是日本國際版)
三角(又或者黑三角) 是日本東芝的居多, 當年EMI和東芝合作, 不過東芝是以自已的CD廠為主打.
簡而言之, 就是有SONY, 三洋, 三菱, 東芝, JVC 數大家有的印CD技術在找發生唱片/錄音公司,
後來日本的東芝正式化了, 也就是 "東芝EMI"下自己出CD. 也說是說日本版的CD大多都是東芝EMI, 少少是三洋或者其他甘樣.
而 CBS/ SONY, Victor/JVC, Kings (主打Decca/ Capitol)/Sanyo (沒記錯的話) 的組合出現.
三菱在錄音娛樂上佔得少, 他們主打電腦化應用. 所以在千禧年時期, 也就是CDR最旺時發到笑.
http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/th ... page-6#post-2017343
A little background from the early days (1984 and back):
PolyGram was part of Philips (a joint holding with Siemens) and hence was a software partner with Philips to promote CD.
CBS Records eventually was taken over by Sony as we know, and at the time had a promotional relationship between CBS and Sony like PolyGram/Philips. "Columbia" releases were labeled "CBS" to be able to be sold in markets (like Europe and Japan) where CBS did not own the "Columbia" trademark at the time.
PolyGram had the first CD plant in Hannover, West Germany. CBS/Sony came next.
Like DVD, Philips and Sony courted more development partners to get the development out the door: Matsushita (Panasonic/Technics), Toshiba, Victor/JVC, Nippon Columbia/Denon.
By the end of 1984, the following CD plants existed:
Philips/PolyGram W.Germany
MPO France
CBS/Sony Japan (CSR)
Matsushita Electric/Technics Japan
Victor Co. Japan (JVC) Japan
Toshiba-EMI Japan
Nippon Columbia (Denon) Japan
Sanyo Japan
CTA Co. Ltd.
Various labels had relationships with the plants, depending on the country the CDs were sold, but in general, it was first come, first served.
甘多年, 少少心得
其實好多歐洲的CD收藏家都不一定收集日本CD為主. 事關他們知道日本版不一定是頭版.
收集CD的版本多到不得了. 同廠同曲目的 CD同年期下找到有2-3個版本已是很好運.
入不同產地的CD不同入酒, 舊不一定醇厚.
慢慢聽, 有時去聽concert, 漸漸會明白 CD同hifi 只是一台重播記錄的東西, (而且好多時候都唔多準. )
不完美都是美的一種, 盡善盡美都可以很惡醜. |