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本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2016-7-23 22:04 編輯
9 月時曾以即將推出新產品成式介紹過 Cayin 的 N6,當時曾經國內論壇 PM 向廠方查詢了一些細節,他們也看過了我寫的 N6 介紹,承蒙廠方信賴,邀請了我參與 N6 的內部測試 (Beta Test),讓我早一步能親試這部非常期待的新 DAP。
http://post76.hk/forum.p ... 3&page=1#pid3214799
今次的 Beta Test unit 是 Pre-production version,是廠方在最後調音後手工改動組件和線路的工程樣版機,除了約十部在廠內作 firmware 優化和測試,共發了 13部作離廠內測,而我這一部是唯一外發到香港的 Beta test unit, 其他的 12 部都是散在國內外地的,再加上我應是 Beta Tester 中唯一從未用過 Cayin 產品的「外人」,所以真正收到機時還是有點喜出望外的。
我是 10月 30日收到 Beta Test unit,好友大力幫手在國內代收了 N6 Test Unit 後漏夜從廣東某市回港交給我,所以我反而為第一個收到 Best test unit 的內測員。昨晚我已完成了我的內測報告,並於今早發了給 Cayin, Beta Test Unit 會玩多一個星期才寄回給 Cayin。 和 Cayin 溝通過有關分享我個人的測試結果後,結論是聽感可以直講,但 Beta Test 找的 Bud 和需改善的地方,PCB 的 Hi-Res 相片只能作內部用,一些尚侍最後決定的 component 和數據也要待廠方的正式 production unit 完成才可公佈,所以希望大家理解,不是我刻意隱惡揚善,這是 Beta Test 的規限。為避免誤會,我會將這份分享成兩部份,頂樓是 N6 的資料,需和 Cayin 協調的,基本是用他們提供的相片和資料成的。我自已拍的照片和聽感則會記錄在第二和第三個帖,這些都是由我主導, Cayin 信任大家的發燒精神,讓我一字不改自行發揮,以 Beta Testing 來說已是難能可貴了。
先利申一下,機是由廠供,大陸以外就只有這一部,香港暫時亦末有代理安排,所以只有我講我聽到的,其他有興趣或有懷疑的,抱歉未能提測試渠道作印証了。在寄回給廠前我應會約三數好友私聚交流,但因時間關係,其他 N6 有興趣的可能要等下一個 updated version 了,暫時的安排是當 production version 的 test run batch 完成後,廠方會再發一部給我 comment 的。
在 HeadFi 上寫了 N6 的設計架構和 Highlight ,現在加上簡單的中文解釋, 希望大家唔介意睇下英文介紹吧!
1. 雙 PCM1792A 解碼: 以解碼蕊片計, PCM 179X 系列是 Burr Brown 的頂級蕊片,也是 24bit 時代的指標性產品! PCM1792A 有幾利害,大家不妨參考一下某廣泛流傳的 DIY DAC 鎗文:
PCM179x 系蕊片在 DAP 中並不多見,N6 用 2 塊 PCM1792A 可說是起了一個很大的頭,單用 N6 來做便攜解碼已經十分期待。
While the specification might not be the most superior available, PCM1792A is consider one of the best sounding DAC chipset on market, and most important, in line with the sound signature that Cayin has carried for the past two decades. With a firm determination to offer the best audio performance possible for portable application, Cayin opted to use TWO PCM1792A instead of one. While similar configuration is no stranger on full-size mega dollar digital components, but to have two PCM1792A is an ambitious attempt that audiophiles should be looking forward to.
2. 三塊 TCXO 達至超低 jitter:所有數碼音頻處理都需要有時鐘作 sampling 的基礎,所以晶振基本上是不可小的,關鍵是大部份晶振是以 25度室溫作技術指標,但 DAP 在操作時內部的溫度遠不止於此,所以便需採用溫度補償 (Temperature compensated) 的晶振才能保持穩定的精確度了。 為求完美,N6 會先對所有訊源經一粒 PLD,用 Cayin 自已編的程式淨化和在播放不同取樣速率歌曲時晶震轉換。N6 總共有 3 粒 TCXO,整個方案已接近高級台機的做法了。
Cayin wants their DAP to be musical and free from digital artifact as much as possible, and one of their primary design objective were to achieve a design with lowest possible jitter. For that, Cayin used THREE high precision Temperature compensate X’tal Oscillators (TCXO) from Japan (NDK/KDS), one for 44.1kHz based PCM signal (44.1kHz, 88.2kHz, 176.4kHz), one for 48kHz based PCM signal (48kHz, 96kHz, 192kHz), and the last one dedicated to DSD signal (2.8224 MHz, 5.6448 MHz). Cayin even developed their own coding and employed a high performance PLD (Programmable Logic Device), SA2000, to clean up all digital signal prior entering the DAC circuit and control signal routing base on the source file sampling rate, including the native DSD signal to DAC directly. This design certainly increased the cost and complication significantly, but to ensure N6 will set off from a clean ground for its first step of digital audio processing, Cayin will not compromise for less than the best.
3. 經典「雙單聲道」設計:要有好聲音,優秀的模擬線路比解碼蕊片更重要, Cayin 是老音響品牌,模擬線路和獨特的調音本來就是他們的主力。N6 的放大線路是雙單聲度設計,即有兩組完全一樣的功放同時以正反相擴音,優點是在一負載下有雙倍的 voltage swing, 控制力會比傳統的單端設計有很大的改善。
The power of dual DAC chipset will not be fully explored without an appropriate analogue circuit, and this happened to be the area that Cayin is excelled in. The analogue audio part of N6 is a classical Bridge-Tied Loads (BTL) Amplification Circuit, (aka. Bridged-Mono). This has been the choice of Cayin since Day 1 of N6 development, a choice that leads to multiple problems in subsequent product development. With literally two identical amplifiers inside a portable device, Cayin need to fight with issues such as power drainage, heat dispersion and much higher circuit complexity and components counts. The good news is N6 will offer the best possible channel separation with minimum crosstalk, doubled voltage swing at the same load, and extremely linear over the complete audio bandwidth.
4. 實力打造,令設計完美呈現: 4 層沉金 PCB,高階音控晶片 PGA2311,和萬元級 CD 機相同設計的 Line Out 線路,和共用了13 粒運放的放大線路,N6的用料和製程算是落足工本了。
A good design will only be meaningful with a good execution and Cayin has been extremely thorough in doing this. N6 starts with 4 layer Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) PCB in order to achieve excellent surface planarity and oxidation resistance. A total of 13 pieces of high quality Op Amp were used in the analogue circuit of N6, more then what you can find in desktop audio components. The Line Out of N6 is a copycat of Cayin’s latest eye-catching CD player CDT-17A MK2 (RMB 8,800 or US$1,500). In other word, Cayin is putting the N6 in par with their mega dollar desktop HiFi products when come to product design and audio standard.
Take Volume Control as example, typical DAP design will either use ALPS or digital volume control inside DAC or MCU chipset. ALPS while is cost effective, will introduce channel imbalance at low volume. Digital volume in DAP typically will be achieved by lowering the bit depth at DAC or MCU and this will certainly compromise on resolution. Cayin won’t accept compromise as such so they decided to put in a “proper” volume control here, and they finally picked the PGA2311 from Texas Instrument, a programmable, digitally-controlled analog volume control that offers +31.5dB to -95.5dB with 0.5dB steps, -130 db Interchannel crosstalk (@ 1 kHz) and upto 0.05db channel accuracy. With this, volume control will no longer be a bottleneck any more.
Cayin understand piling up large number of expensive components does not always result in good audio performance, but high quality components are indeed the foundation of good sound, and Cayin has certainly put in their best shot into N6, it might not be price-no-objective, but putting sound before cost consideration is something that has been gun-holding throughout the N6 design implementation.
5. 齊全的音頻格式:基本上 24/192 以下的 PCM 都已齊全 (DXD 便抱歉了) ,而 DSD 方面更是破天荒第一次有齊 DSD64, DSD128 和 直讀 SACD ISO 的功能。
On top of common PCM based lossless format, N6 can hardware decodes DSD64 and DSD128, and it will read SACD ISO directly and extracted into individual track internally. While there are several portable devices offered hardware decodes DSD64, N6 is the first ever DAP that can hardware decode DSD128 and SACD ISO in one package.
6. 人性化操控和界面:雖然同樣是 2.4” 的屏幕,但 N6 用的是 400x360 屏, 比常見的 320x240 多了接近一倍的 pixel, 而且是 IPS screen。 負責操控的 MCU 是 君正 XBurst JZ4760 雙核 600 MHz, 這是中級手機的 CPU,用在 DAP 上無論是開機和關機的 live wallpaper, 主營幕的圖像式操控還是祥細的餐單式指令,都可確保操作異常暢順。實體鍵有超多選擇,機面的 4個大型實體鍵令初用者在幾分鐘內便能輕鬆使用 N6。 左側的撥輪 (Jog Dial) 是 DAP 中比較小見硬體,熟習後非常適合單手操控。
Cayin has put in a lot of attention to the control and interface design of N6 because they valued pleasant and effective user experience. The followings are some highlights of N6 design.
Screen: Sharp 2.4” TFT 400x360 IPS screen, which is almost doubled the pixels of typical 320x240 2.4” screen, this will not only improved the album art resolution, but also enhance the clarity of all text instruction, and allow smaller fonts to be used and yet highly readable.
CPU: Dual Core 600MHz Ingenic Xburst JZ4760, a mid-class mobile phone processor. The processor offers hefty power for a small screen device like N6 and is the base of a smooth and swiftly operation. The processor supports DSP instructions, built-in SPDIF capability, and provides 24bit/192kHz digital audio output. In addition, the JZ4760 is a low-power processor that won’t disperse a lot of heat even when operate at full speed, this is important to N6 because low background noise and interference of all kinds are always appreciated.
Carefully planned button: N6 is non-touched-screen, button-based control. There is lots of button and some of them might be overlapped, but they server different people and different occasion. The buttons are organized into 3 groups:
- Front plate: Large Up/Down and Left/Right button for general manipulations
- Left side: Jog dial, very effective single-button control that covers 90% of the function with simple rotate and click action.
- Right Side: Two buttons dedicated for Vol+/Next and Vol-/Pre, perfect for blind operation.
Take Track selection as example, you can use the Up/Down button to go through the title list in a folder, or use the Jog dial on the Left to scroll through a track list quickly. If you were to wear the N6 waist bag, you only need to access the Right side panel and you can control volume and skip/repeat a track already.
Effective interface Design: Appropriate graphical means have been used to at different level of interface. The opening and closing screen are animated GIF, the Home screen are icon based and the detail instructions and settings are organized into 5 menus. Based on the user experience from Beta test, the DAP is very user friendly, new users can move around without a manual within 10 minutes, and most functions are sell explained when they go through the menu.
7. 考究的做工:外觀美醜是主觀的,N6是美是醜可說是各花入各眼,但若以 workmanship來說,N6穩站國磚中的領導地方,經 3.5小時加工的一體化航空級鋁合金外殼,炭纖維底版,全機簡約設計,完全擺脫國磚的工業設計框架。
There is no reason to settle for less on the final appeal and finishing after what Cayin have done to package all the goodies into a portable package. The main chassis is CNC out of a single piece of aerospace aluminum alloy and it takes 3 hours 24 minutes to complete one unit. On top of looks nice and feel good, the aluminum chassis is a very good heat dispenser, the machine will feel warm but this will keep the machine operate healthy. The rear panel is make out of a carbon fiber and flush fit to the back of the DAP. The final product will looks like a single solid piece without showing any assembly part or screws.
以下是 Cayin N6 的初步規格,等做好新的 production version 後便可以量度 S/N, crosstalk 之類的數據。Cayin 在正式發售 N6 前可能隨時修改規格資料,但會儘快公佈讓有興趣的燒友可即時跟進。
Technical | | DAC | Dual PCM1792A | MCU | Dual Core 600MHz Ingenic Xburst JZ4760 | PLD | SA2000 | Volume | PGA2311 | Features | | Headphone | 180mW+180mW @ 32 ohm (to be revised) | USB-DAC | Asynchronous USB up to 24bit/192kHz | Volume Control | 0-99 | Gain Selection | High/Low (+6dB) | Channel Balance | -10~+10; +/- 10dB | Equalization | 10 bands, +/- 10dB | Power Saving | Auto Power Off, Backlight time off, Breakpoint Resume | Interface and Storage | | Display | 2.4” TFT 400x360 IPS screen | Analog Output | 1x 3.5 mm (headphone)
1x 3.5 mm (line) | Digital Output | 1x 3.5 mm S/PDIF (coaxial) | Physical Control | 1x Multipurpose Jog Dial
4x General Navigation Button
Volume +/Next
Volume -/Pre | Language | English, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified) | Storage | 1x micro-SD card (up to 128G) | Audio Format | | DSD | DSD64 (DSF, DFF), DSD128 (DSF, DFF), SACD ISO | WAV | Up to 24bit/192kHz | FLAC | Up to 24bit/192kHz | ALAC | Up to 24bit/192kHz | APE | Up to 24bit/192kHz | WMA | Up to 24bit/96kHz | AAC | Supported | OGG | Supported | MPEG | MP2; MP3 | Battery | | Battery Capacity | 5600 mAH | Charger | 1.2A (to be revised) | Power LED | Green: Standby, Flashing: Charging | Battery Life | 6 ~ 8 hours (to be revised) | Charging Time | 2.5 hours ~ 4.5 hours (to be revised) | Physical | | Dimension | (L) 68mm~72mm
(H) 126mm
(W) 17.6mm~19.7mm | Weight | 230g |
另如大家對 N6 任何問題想直接向 Cayin 提問的話,可到 Cayin 的 QQ 群組直接和他們的客服和工程人員溝通。![](http://post76.hk/data/attachment/forum/201501/06/034240ffnpojf25ffjfjqp.jpg) |
音源:DS411j + D100Pro Deluxe
解碼:Yulong D8, Cayin iDAC-6
耳擴:Schiit Ragnarok, Cayin IHA-6, HA1AmkII
耳機:HE6, Alpha Dog, ESP/950
HD800, HD700, HD540G, HD540-I, HD250-1, HD520, D7000, NAD HP50