bei_hillgrover 發表於 2012-10-27 09:51 
Lohen兄,小弟就是想討論一下將上游的noise隔離後,就不用在源頭對電源做多重淨化。 ...
Dear Bei-hill hing,
your question confuses me. Up-stream and the Source ... are they not the very beginning part ??
anyway, no matter or what, every every tiny bit of better power quality will help in a certain extend; especially in the Digital Domain.
If my guess is correct for your question, do you mean : If you put all effort on the USB / SPDIF convertor powersupply, then you don't need to care of those coming from. e.g. You have a storage device feeding the music data thru USB cable, and connect to your U/S convertor and then connect to a DAC, illustrated below:
e.g. i) NAS / Streamer ----ii) ( usb cable ) ----> iii) USB-SPDIF convertor ---- iv) ( Coxial cable ) ----> v) DAC
You have 5 parts here.
My answer and past experience is : IF you ...
i) use better quieter powersupply to feed your streamer
ii) better USB cable
It still will improve the sound; namely more details, blah blah blah.
for iii), iv), v) we don't have to mention. we all know there will surely be improvement.
But, you may ask WHY doing i) and ii) still improve ?? Aren't they simply digital 01010101 ?
I have been asking / searching this answer for many years... and recently, thru asking from my master mentor, I finally know why.
Before telling what I find, people may wonder, or even Criticize this is BS. Anyway, no matter or what, by following the phenomenon / and assumption, I have many break thru in my CAS journey.
We should treat 0101010101 behaves like also Analogue. Oh... Bull Shit ! 0 is 0, 1 is 1, there is no 0.5 !
Well, they are only correct 50%. And have missed a point that how a machine or computer read something as 0 or 1 ??
This is the crucial point.
Actually, there indeed has a mil sec of 0.5 / 0.3 / 0.6 / 0.4 etc... so many variable numbers... they way computer transcribe them simply have a "logic" / " logrithm" / " protocol" what-so-ever ( as I am a tech guy anyways ) to determine when it should be treated 1 and when it should be treated as 0.
It's simply like a slope of cutting point ...
if it's < 0.51 then, it will be treated as 0
if it's > 0.51 then, it will be treated as 1
Noise, in here, you can think of some tiny 0.004, 0.003 units...
say, in a well treated electrical environment, there will be lesser of these tiny units...
however, in a very noisy high switching component environment, there will be shit loads of these tiny units or even huge units...
If we recalled the earlier example, the "protocol" cutting point is 0.5
damn less noise : 0.5 + 0.0001 = 0.5001 , oh, it is < 0.51, it will be treated as 0
very noisy : 0.5 + 0.02 = 0.52, oh it is > 0.51, it will be treated as 1
The above example shows you how discrepacy formed in the digital data domain, but not yet in a Time-line fashion ( Jitter ).
I hope this can help.