tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-23 23:34

Yamaha Z7 vs 3900

本帖最後由 tofu1978 於 2010-2-23 23:47 編輯

any ching can share your experience?

I went to Tom Lee this evening and tried both 3900 and Z7.I found Z7 has the below advantages over 3900 (take into consideration of their price variation):

Z7 has a high sound destiny (sound thicker) with a deep sound stage.It is more in detail.3D DSP is amazing with proper positioning.If we take a sphere as illustration, user is like sitting in the middle while all sound are pointing towards the "king seat".Z7 has a far more advance setting which u can adjust hz and khz of each channel (5-level adjustments to each curve) once you measure the room.

Z7 features a higher quality of video chipset, and its image wins 3900 by at least 20%.I saw a Epson projector in the showroom, not sure if it is a LCD.Image is very standing out and 3D.

claero 發表於 2010-2-24 00:34

depends you will add a power amp or not {:6_222:}

superdog8092 發表於 2010-2-24 00:36



tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 02:33

本帖最後由 tofu1978 於 2010-2-24 02:35 編輯

I think the difference worth $4k, in fact it saves more than $4K since one does not always have to think about upgrade.

If without a power amp, which one is good?I only have a Onkyo 807.Tom Lee salesperson (I guess his name is Patrick) said Klipsch is the best match with Yamaha (even better than Mirage), but I am not sure if it is true

jjboy 發表於 2010-2-24 02:54

4# tofu1978


tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 02:57

yes .. he wears glasses who is a little bit chubby and is a gentleman who is willing to explain and provide testing ... he gave me a A/B test between 3900 and Z7 with Kung Fu Panda.

jjboy 發表於 2010-2-24 03:00

本帖最後由 jjboy 於 2010-2-24 03:05 編輯


tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 03:12

yes + the scene where the leopard tries to jail break

i am using klipsch .. r u the one who has m&k?

jjboy 發表於 2010-2-24 03:24


macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 03:27

a high sound destiny (sound thicker) is not depend on power amp. Power amp is power-up the signal from pre-amp.Pre-amp is very important. Of course, source is the most important.
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