tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 03:34

thanks.i hv all klipsch for front, ctr, sr & srb, except wharfdale as front height (almost = presence if for yamaha).doubt ifi should go for z7 or 3900 maybe add power amp later.i find z7 has thicker weise patrick said z7 carries a better chip, but i can't find obvious difference btw 3900 & z7.

as i am quite concern picture quality, do u guys think z7 is really superior than 3900?

macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 03:41

You may test on showroom for A/B comparsion. you cannot find any changes on 3900 but Z7 is opended for user to select.

Z7 & Z11 reference:

macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 03:44

1900, 3900, Z7 & Z11 reference:!679/

macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 03:47

For my point of view,

3900 is not worth to buy.
Z7 is worth, because you can get Audio and Vedio advantages.

3900 (DAC x 2 in pre-amp)
Z7 (DAC x 6 in pre-amp) you may correct me if I am wrong

AVabc 發表於 2010-2-24 03:52


tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 03:53

let me go to tomlee again ... today i found the difference in sound, wanna pay close attention to video part btw 3900 and z7

JCCH 發表於 2010-2-24 09:33

From my understanding both Z7 and 3900 use the same video chipset "Anchor Bay ABT2010" except that Z7 provide more control for fine tune the picture quality. I think Yamaha just lock some features of video chipset on 3900.

On the other hand, I thing both Z7 and 3900 use the same Audio D/A chipset but not sure number of chipsets and circuit difference between Z7 & 3900.

macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 10:15

Although the power ratings look the same on paper, how these receivers actually deliver the power is another story. Due to the enormous power supply of the RX-Z11, it really shows its brute when driving 4 ohm loads. While the RX-V3900 and RX-Z7 seem similar in size and ratings, the RX-Z7 is 2.2lbs heavier and slightly bigger. Yamaha has been known in the past to offer slightly bigger power supplies on the more expensive of the two models with similar ratings. Make no mistake, this is the case here as well and although a modest difference, the RX-Z7 has more juice available under the hood than the less expensive RX-V3900. This can translate to improved fidelity depending on your listening habits and the type of speakers you are running.

Unlike other Yamaha flagships, this is their first Z series receiver to be manufactured at their Malaysian facility. Had it not been for the markings on the back panel that indicated this, I would have never known. The chassis seems rigid, partly thanks to the horizontal support beam underneath the hood which took me 22 screws to get to.

Inside, the RX-Z7 sports many of the attributes that defines their Z heritage, big meaty power supplies (large E-core and 2 x 18,000uF 71V capacitors), a big finned and tapered heatsink towards the front of the receiver to house all of the power devices. Past Z receivers have two rows of heatsinks but they were also rated at higher power and had additional amplifiers for presence channels. Although very compact, the layout of this receiver is clean and methodical, something I've grown accustomed to with Yamaha.

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-24 10:15

17# JCCH

Ching, which one will u choose?

macmini 發表於 2010-2-24 10:17

Although the power ratings look the same on paper, how these receivers actually deliver the power is another story. Due to the enormous power supply of the RX-Z11, it really shows its brute when driving 4 ohm loads. While the RX-V3900 and RX-Z7 seem similar in size and ratings, the RX-Z7 is 2.2lbs heavier and slightly bigger. Yamaha has been known in the past to offer slightly bigger power supplies on the more expensive of the two models with similar ratings. Make no mistake, this is the case here as well and although a modest difference, the RX-Z7 has more juice available under the hood than the less expensive RX-V3900. This can translate to improved fidelity depending on your listening habits and the type of speakers you are running.

Unlike other Yamaha flagships, this is their first Z series receiver to be manufactured at their Malaysian facility. Had it not been for the markings on the back panel that indicated this, I would have never known. The chassis seems rigid, partly thanks to the horizontal support beam underneath the hood which took me 22 screws to get to.

Inside, the RX-Z7 sports many of the attributes that defines their Z heritage, big meaty power supplies (large E-core and 2 x 18,000uF 71V capacitors), a big finned and tapered heatsink towards the front of the receiver to house all of the power devices. Past Z receivers have two rows of heatsinks but they were also rated at higher power and had additional amplifiers for presence channels. Although very compact, the layout of this receiver is clean and methodical, something I've grown accustomed to with Yamaha.
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