yonnie2 發表於 2010-2-25 00:47

tofu1978 C兄,你部Z7係米今日6-7點喺通利買果位C兄呀(唔知有無認錯{:6_122:})?我係坐喺皇帝位果位西裝友呀,原來你都係post 76 Ching,恭喜曬!比心機玩好Z7份EQ,其實我都係用緊Z7嫁!

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-25 01:20

本帖最後由 tofu1978 於 2010-2-25 01:24 編輯

no wor ... I bought it from MK tonite and left Tom lee before 6pm.Not sure if I have met macmini or yonnie2 ching.I went to Tom Lee on Feb 23 and 24 in the afternoon after 3:30.I remember meeting a gentleman who dress in suit who owns M&K and kind enough to give me some advices.

Delivery on Friday {:6_179:}

macmini 發表於 2010-2-25 01:32

Yes, is me. My gear is M&K as your asked me MK or M&K. I said is M&K.

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-25 01:35

haha .. the world is so small ....i still have a lot to learn from you.Since my SRB is on the wall where my seat lean towards, i may go to SSP to buy 2 pairs of speaker mount that allow me to adjust toe-in angle.Hope this can improve the overall sound with such small investment (I hate to drill hole{:6_129:})

macmini 發表於 2010-2-25 01:40

My one bought from USA. I haven't seen in HK. Colour is black which is 3 axis. You may change any angle.If you need a nice mount, I may let you know and send you a photos.

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-25 01:42

ching pls check PM and kindly send photos to my email address.Thanks a lot

macmini 發表於 2010-2-25 01:43

I am not familiar with this system, how can I have you email

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-25 01:44

u may email to tofu1668@yahoo.com.hk

Thanks a lot

macmini 發表於 2010-2-25 01:47

check you email

tofu1978 發表於 2010-2-25 02:10

thanks got ur photos .but i am looking for something in white.Btw your mount looks good and well-built.Are they designed for M&K?
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