Msuper 發表於 2018-3-3 22:35

本帖最後由 Msuper 於 2018-3-3 22:48 編輯

好啦,係時候懷念下禾 Lo Seafood 那些年最喜歡的80年代陀地樂隊潮,頭號樂隊就梗係未儲完,相對儲牛仔褲易d (其實又唔算好易,但兩隊比較既話就易dd 囉)




禾有名叫魔鬼碟窮二號,禁禾梗係歸二號 <Lo Seafood 二號>
里地唔巧同我爭 No. 2 呀!

psb 發表於 2018-3-3 22:42

本帖最後由 psb 於 2018-3-3 22:47 編輯

ABBA "Gold" 精選大碟 CD 記得應該係小弟人生中第一隻買嘅CD , 隻 CD 已經20幾年仲保存光滑如新 , ABBA 相信係 CD 櫃裡面最年長嘅前輩 artist , 小學讀書時家中經常聽到家姐同哥哥 ABBA 卡帶 , 特別係 "Dancing Queen" , 好 retro disco 經典真係好好聽 , ABBA 啲歌入晒腦{:1_338:} , 記得家姐仲經常聽一隊男女組合叫 Carpenters , 亦買咗兩隻同樣嘅 "Love Songs" 大碟CD 回憶下,仲有前輩 Sam Hui 許冠傑 , 第日得閒搵出嚟分享....

ernietse 發表於 2018-3-3 22:47

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2018-3-3 22:48 編輯

Msuper 發表於 2018-3-3 22:35
好啦,係時候懷念下禾 Lo Seafood 那些年最喜歡的80年代陀地樂隊潮,頭號樂隊就梗係未儲完,相對儲牛仔褲 ...

見你咁鍾意藍戰士, 你一定要睇呢套戲喎{:8_364:}

ernietse 發表於 2018-3-3 23:30

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2018-3-3 23:32 編輯


你都睇到佢係針對我哋中國13億人口, 簡體字介紹嘅屎忽板啦{:8_364:}

ernietse 發表於 2018-3-4 00:35

那些年«老鼠忽™遊記» 到柏林Legoland 一遊所買嘅紀念品{:8_364:}

psb 發表於 2018-3-4 11:29

psb 發表於 2018-3-3 22:42
ABBA "Gold" 精選大碟 CD 記得應該係小弟人生中第一隻買嘅CD , 隻 CD 已經20幾年仲保存光滑如新 , ABBA 相 ...

講番 ABBA "Gold" 另一首 "Fernando" ,首歌同音樂彈奏管弦吹奏同 harmonious sound 和諧和唱 ,小弟心醉了{:6_161:} , 長青 old-school 經典 , 呢啲音樂家而家好難搵.... 想追翻佢哋舊作 , I love ABBA.

ernietse 發表於 2018-3-4 15:05

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2018-3-4 15:13 編輯

psb 發表於 2018-3-4 11:29
講番 ABBA "Gold" 另一首 "Fernando" ,首歌同音樂彈奏管弦吹奏同 harmonious sound 和諧和唱 ,小弟心 ...

Muriel's Wedding (1994) - trailer{:8_364:}


Refer to this 1994 year movie, at that time those teenage boycott Muriel because she still listens to 70's ABBA music in 90's, so Muriel is a "OLD SEA FLOOD" in the movie context too.

Therefore, this term "OLD SEA FLOOD" usually is referred to two group of concerned people who have different social value, point of view or living preference; one group of people who is trying hard to be the OPINION LEADER attempting harsh to label another group of people are outdated, old fashion, or resistance to follow the social trend as "OLD SEA FLOOD" , in order to acquire the power of OPINION LEADER.

"OLD SEA FLOOD" attitude itself is not ethically wrong (it is just a matter of choice of living or preference), but there are OPINION LEADERS trying so hard to label and to add negative attitude and judgemental value on those "OLD SEA FLOOD".

But this is a never ending old story, today when you are young and "IN", please make sure you have magic to keep yourself forever young and everything. Otherwise, tomorrow you will also be another miserable "OLD SEA FLOOD #2" indeed.

Another great philosophical quotation from the movie "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER", "YOU CAN'T FUCK THE FUTURE, THE FUTURE FUCKS YOU", spoken by the hardware store boss who refused Tony Manero (John Travolta) request to get his salary advance payment for paying for his polyester shirt to be worn at discotheque...

YOU CAN'T FUCK THE FUTURE, THE FUTURE FUCKS YOU (See movie line #5 00:34-00:42)


ylcheung 發表於 2018-3-4 17:16


ylcheung 發表於 2018-3-4 20:05

ylcheung 發表於 2018-3-4 17:16

我絕對係old (米田共)忽呀{:1_260:}

窮小子 發表於 2018-3-5 12:38

本帖最後由 窮小子 於 2018-3-6 10:20 編輯

   ## 呢D款式 同花紋 ~ {:8_367:}~ 仲5係 Lo Seafood... hehe

回: M仔 ~ 嗰2個袋係上星期路過見 有凸價 {:6_136:} 咪買囉!
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