djaddy 發表於 2009-12-25 22:39

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-12-25 22:40 編輯

現引述某台的會員初步分析OPPO83 SE UPGRADE (煲機5小時後)
Here is my initial impression on the Oppo-83SE. After burning-in the 83SE for 5 hours, I put a CD in to figure out how it sounds. I find out tha ...
intex 發表於 2009-12-24 19:16

Could the "improved" main power supply improve the video quality? In terms of spec, everything remained the same for video features (BDP83 vs BDP83SE).


The OPPO BDP-83 Special Edition Blu-ray Disc Player is an exciting upgrade based on the highly acclaimed BDP-83. The upgrade includes an all new analog audio stage power by the ESS Sabre32 Ultra and Premier Digital-to-Analog Converters and an improved power supply. The Special Edition also includes the RS-232 remote control port, which is optional for the regular BDP-83.

OPPO Digital recommends the BDP-83 Special Edition to customers who primarily use the analog audio output to connect to either a dedicated stereo or a multi-channel surround system. For customers who primarily use the HDMI output to connect to an A/V receiver or directly to a TV/projector, and for customers who primarily use the digital optical/coaxial audio output, the standard BDP-83 is recommended."

reanult360 發表於 2009-12-26 00:31

If we use HDMi, it won't be any difference!!!thx Djaddy!!!

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-26 17:47

Since is coming, it's better see if they offer the SE upgrade kit. After-all, they offer a great service. There is nothing 秘秘密密 about their operation.

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-31 07:00

The sound quality of 83SE's direct analog out is comparable to Benchmark DAC1.

...These improvements when using only the coaxial digital output demonstrate that there is enhancement to the coax and optical digital outputs as well as to the analog outputs.This must be a result of the upgrading of the power supply.I found in switching between the front channels of the analog six-channel outputs of the Special Edition player and the coaxial output feeding my Benchmark DAC1 processor, I could discern little difference.Previously, in comparison with the standard Oppo player analog stereo outs, feeding the coax via the Benchmark DAC made a noticeable improvement in clarity, resolution and soundstaging over straight out of the analog RCA jacks.

While I didn’t do a comparison, I would think the improved coax and optical out quality would carry over to the playing of soundtracks on video DVDs if your preamp or receiver is doing the bitstream decoding.Otherwise you can just use theenhanced multichannel analog outs and let the Oppo Special Edition internal decoder handle all the lossless and lossy bitream codecs.

- John Sunier

Dulldull 發表於 2009-12-31 10:30


咁係咪如果用 multi-channel out 7.1 就 SE版好D?

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-1 05:36


咁係咪如果用 multi-channel out 7.1 就 SE版好D?
Dulldull 發表於 2009-12-31 10:30

I guess that Ouku should be operational soon.

SE is better suited for analogue use.

AntonioII 發表於 2010-1-3 09:54

Happy new year

thx_wong 發表於 2010-1-5 21:57

請問點先可以睇hd file出到字幕?因我已經擺左個srt同個media file一齊,file名係一樣,但我用搖控按substitle,出左個禁止符號,出唔到字幕{:6_147:}

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-1-7 23:37

本帖最後由 cmsjkung 於 2010-1-7 23:40 編輯

Which following firmware, I need to have first before upgrade to 09.12.11 中英文双语版发布:BDP83C-04-0925 (Support English Menu). Please advise, Thanks... {:6_125:}

09.09.26 0620中文软体发布:BDP83C-02-0620
09.10.09 0925中文软体发布:BDP83C-02-0925

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-8 02:32

My machine was pre-installed with 09.10.09 0925中文软体发布:BDP83C-02-0925 before I upgraded to BDP83C-04-0925
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