reanult360 發表於 2009-12-19 12:34

Congrat. Ching~~~
小弟前日都 order 0左, 今日晏0的會送到~真係好有效率!
achio1115 發表於 2009-12-19 12:25

快d 出photo!!!!

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-19 12:52

Congrat. Ching~~~
小弟前日都 order 0左, 今日晏0的會送到~真係好有效率!
achio1115 發表於 2009-12-19 12:25

Welcome to the Oppo family!

achio1115 發表於 2009-12-19 13:05

本帖最後由 achio1115 於 2009-12-19 13:07 編輯

383# reanult360
快d 出photo!!!!
師兄仲心急過我~~今朝打黎話兩點後送貨呀... {:1_253:}

achio1115 發表於 2009-12-19 13:08

Welcome to the Oppo family!
djaddy 發表於 2009-12-19 12:52

Thank you, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions to ask.{:1_259:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-19 15:24

Thank you, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions to ask.{:1_259:}
achio1115 發表於 2009-12-19 13:08

Anytime! Feel free to ask! We are all here. Most of what you wanna know has been mentioned in this thread.

aberdeenhk 發表於 2009-12-19 15:25


djaddy 發表於 2009-12-19 15:27

Not yet ah! {:6_158:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-19 16:29

Ouku Hong Kong is here!

reanult360 發表於 2009-12-19 21:01

got the x''mas card and Dvd!!!   but hvn't watch it!!!

aberdeenhk 發表於 2009-12-19 21:45

Will US OPPO send me christmas present?{:6_131:}
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查看完整版本: 升呢 - Oppo BDP83 入手!

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