jasonbiker 發表於 2009-12-2 10:20

In BD also:
djaddy 發表於 2009-12-2 09:23 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 22:49

It seems Oppo BDP 83 can change to English Menu by updating firmware as per below from ouku.com today.Any one out there has tried.

thank you!好快速送人服務, 一天已可收貨.另請問怎樣可把菜單轉換至英文或繁體字.用户名:felixttt 咨询次数:1次 时间:2009-12-02 16:07:29 咨询类型:商品咨询You

You are welcome. ~(*^__^*)~您好客官,您收到貨并滿意,小二就放心了,如果要把菜單轉換至英文,需要在美国官网(http://www.oppodigital.com' target='_blank'>www.oppodigital.com)下载那边的固件提供的英文版升級軟體,如果有什麽問題的話可以撥打4008-206-206聯系我們哦~~

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-2 22:53

just tried... doesn't have English menu

Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 23:05

324# djaddy

What is the firmware verion on the U.S. site?Is there any difference after the update?

reanult360 發表於 2009-12-2 23:17

did you get the bonus blu ray dis c??

Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 23:26

326# reanult360

I got them this morning.

reanult360 發表於 2009-12-2 23:31

326# reanult360

I got them this morning.
Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 23:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

how's the quality??hehe...nice ??

Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 23:32

324# djaddy

Just found this in ouku discussion forum.Hope yours is alright.


Donny 發表於 2009-12-2 23:32

328# reanult360

I would say NOT BAD.

reanult360 發表於 2009-12-2 23:39

330# Donny

you can consider 'underworld' to test the darkness of the plasma power!!
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