chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-6 23:42

如果係咁, 我覺得1.3.68反而重好O的
又無亂碼, 又可以校字幕位置, 唔同playlist聽歌又唔會reboot
睇mov file又唔會將個TV output跳O左去DVI

tontontony 發表於 2009-10-7 09:40

咁如果想去返 1.3.168 係咪就咁 load 返個 firmware 就ok 呢?
另外大家入部機個 ftp 係咪
ftp://(ip address) 咁入?

chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-9 00:17

咁如果想去返 1.3.168 係咪就咁 load 返個 firmware 就ok 呢?
>>> yes

另外大家入部機個 ftp 係咪
ftp://(ip address) 咁入?
>>>我用core ftp

ming 發表於 2009-10-10 11:25

咁如果想去返 1.3.168 係咪就咁 load 返個 firmware 就ok 呢?
>>> yes

另外大家入部機個 ftp 係咪
ftp://(ip address) 咁入?
>>>我用core ftp
chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-9 00:17


chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-10 11:37

又有新firmware, Firmware 1.4.25 PreRelease


Changes from 1.4.22

1) Player
- When used with some TVs, screen flickers and becomes black after a few
seconds. This happens very irregualry, so it is hard to debug.
We think it's SDK(Software Develpment Kit) bug from Sigmadesigns. So,
we did some work around. When this happen, please press "VIDEO" button
once and it will become nomal.(It is hard to check whether it solves
the problem because we only have one monitor (out of 100 TVs and
monitors ) that can reproduce the problem but it happens once in days.
The SDK that the firmware 1.2.52 based upon does not have this problem
but we cannot go back to this SDK because it has other bugs including
not outputing HD audio output through optical or coax.
- Fixed: The audio file tag info is broken. Does not show APE and CUE
- Fixed: The Prev and Next key does not work as paging while music play.
- Fixed: The audio album jacket is not shown on the info page when
an audio file is selected from icon mode
- Improved: Now, shows the audio jacket files on the folder of currently
playing file in the Audio info page.
2) ETC
- Fixed: Cannot copy large size files over SAMBA.
- Fixed: System reboot when user try to remount local HDD after copy
files through FTP.


DANNY839 發表於 2009-10-10 11:50


chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-10 12:08


DANNY839 發表於 2009-10-10 12:24


chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-10 12:49

DANNY839 發表於 2009-10-10 12:24

依1.4.25睇TF2出唔到DTS HDMA咩, 我噚晚downgradeO左到未試添

DANNY839 發表於 2009-10-10 12:51

199# chhanthony

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查看完整版本: Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

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