BigLazySnake 發表於 2009-11-13 09:53


BigLazySnake 發表於 2009-11-13 09:56


chhanthony 發表於 2009-11-13 11:42


Changes from 1.5.10

1) For Player
1. Better support for EXIF rotation information in Jpeg files
2. Change back to old icon size (200*200) for normal and Album
Jacket mode
(We referred to the 1.5.10 feedback, which all preferred 200x200
size rather than new 120x120 size.)
(Video folder icon size will remain as previous version)
3. The play button is the default button on the synopsis page.
(The focus will be on PLAY button not BACK button)
4. Now, the icon mode change with FUNCTION key on the remote works
on text mode folders.
(It worked only when all the three mode was text mode in 1.5.10)
5. More Video cover folders are added
If a name of folder, which on the root folder, is starts with
one of below words(case insensitive), it will shows
Video cover art mode instead a normal icon mode.
- video, movie, dvd, bluray, blu-ray, film,
cinema, animation, drama, miniseries, tv series,
music video
6. Rearrange the file list page for some severe over scan displays.
Depends on the display, there could be still be
some hiding at the edges. We thought we need more explanation
for new mode because it could be confusing.
Below is the explanation between new mode in comparison to old mode
with ICON mode using FUNCTION Key
on the remote controller.
1. Video
Cover Art vs Text(with ICON mode turned on using FUNTION key
on the remote controller, it refers
to this mode with Text mode below)
- Cover Art : * It shows cover art for all the folders under
(video, movie, dvd, bluray, blu-ray,
film, cinema, animation,
drama, miniseries, tv series, music video)
** It will show Back, Preview Play
button when there is no sub folder in current folder.
- Text : * it shows Cover Art only the folders set to ICON
mode using FUCTION Key on the remote controller
** It will not show Back, Preview, Play
button even though it will show cover art icon and
synopsis (as background image)
Both mode will show 138x186 size icon.
2. Audio
Album Art : * It will show 200x200 Album art for all the
folders under Audio, Automp3 and Music
** It will show files as file list rather than
Album art icon for folders without any sub folders.
Text : * It will show 200x200 Album art only for the folders
set to ICON mode using FUNCTION key on
the remote controller
** It will show 200x200 ICON if the folder is set
to ICON mode regardless of existence of sub folders.
3. Photo
Thumbnail mode : It will show jpeg files as 120x120
thumbnails for all the folders under Photo or Picture
Text mode : It will show jpeg files as 120x120 thumbnails
for only the folders set to ICON mode using
FUNCTION key on the remote controller

Besides above there is no difference between Thumbnail mode and
Text mode in Photo.
- Video folders : video, movie, dvd, bluray,
blu-ray, film, cinema, animation, drama,
miniseries, tv series, music
- Audio folders : Audio, Automp3 and Music
- Photo folders : Photo or Picture
- You can set to ICON mode for any folder besides above
folders using FUNCTIN key on the remote controller.
Then it will show folders as 200x200 icons.
- Of course, you will need to prepare folder.jpg file if you
want your preferred ICON image appear as a folder icon.
2) For the DTV, (No change)
- There is no separate color space option for DTV. The color space on
Video option will be used for DTV.

*** Please understand that users need to make appropriate folder.jpg and
tvix.jpg files for each folders to make
TViX work as described above.
*** You need to do the job manually or using the third party program
(like TViXIE or GUI builder)
*** We do not provide cover art materials. The cover art materials shown
in the release note is just for better explanation purpose.

All other issues are same to 1.4.26.

chhanthony 發表於 2009-11-13 11:56

BigLazySnake 發表於 2009-11-13 09:53

之前1.3.XX睇DVD嘅ISO或者file folder都無問題

BigLazySnake 發表於 2009-11-13 09:56

你個T4係咁格式? 我睇MKV又無問題喎

BigLazySnake 發表於 2009-11-13 14:57


ming 發表於 2009-11-14 22:39

本帖最後由 ming 於 2009-11-14 23:04 編輯

剛剛up左新fw 無晒亂碼喇
好正 聽歌和睇戲都有 圖片顯示

呢部聽歌都正喎 我用rca入2聲道amp 聽flac和wav 最衰唔支援ape

試左原版bdmv 可直接播放 有字幕 但好似無menu

chhanthony 發表於 2009-11-16 10:59

剛剛up左新fw 無晒亂碼喇
好正 聽歌和睇戲都有 圖片顯示

呢部聽歌都正喎 我用rca入2聲道amp 聽flac和wav 最衰唔支援ape

試左原版bdmv 可直接播放 有字幕 但好似無menu ...
ming 發表於 2009-11-14 22:39


ming 發表於 2009-11-16 11:39


tontontony 發表於 2009-11-16 15:49

請問咩係 "無縫播放"????

Barbapapa 發表於 2009-11-17 21:12

289# tontontony

即係話在你知不覺間, 繼續播放下一個FILE, 現時好多機頂盒都有呢個功能, 但唔知點解 6500 會唔可以?
頁: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [29] 30 31 32 33 34 35
查看完整版本: Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

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