chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-19 19:26

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2009-9-19 19:29 編輯

DviCo releases new update: 1.4.19

So while we were working on the new portal, DViCo released yet another update for the TViX M-6x00 series with 2 major changes. Certainly by now some skeptic users must admit, DviCo is back doing the best they can and not just concentrate on the new model. Releases are flying in regularly and that's exactly how we like it. Following is the message from DviCo: "We are pre releasing a new firmware with 2 big changes(UTF8 support and file player and DTV program integration) and a few bug fixes."

- When a user sets OSD language in SET UP menu, the pop-up menu for default subtitle encoding selection is displayed automatically..
- Users need to change encoding type according to the subtitle that they want..Let’s say a user set to English for the OSD language and set Hebrew for the subtitle encoding. When this user tries to load French subtitle, it will not
shown correctly since it is saved with different encoding. In this case, this user need to change encoding to Latin-I by pressing Subtitle key and select the encoding button on the popup and select Latin-I.

- AAC audio track on TP/TS files is now audible.
- Fixed : a subtitle track is not shown on a specific TS stream
- Fixed : a system turn off while trying to change subtitle sync by pressing CH up or down key.
- Fixed : keep showing unsupported font message after boot.
- Fixed : an apostrophe is not shown correctly on French OSD.

- Fixed the scanning issue.
- Fixed : Info OSD is disappear too quickly.
- Fixed : System is unstable if a user press audio key while recording.
- Fixed : Channel name is shown strangely on VFD.
- Now, the power button will turn off the system rather than showing file play mode..

All other issues are same to 1.3.168

LAWSON 發表於 2009-9-24 01:22


LAWSON 發表於 2009-9-25 10:31


chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-26 11:57

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2009-9-28 10:19 編輯

DviCo M-6500 Update: 1.4.22

DviCo provided another pre release firmware that addresses a few issues peopl eare experiencing. Several relte to the media player itself while others relate to the PVR part. No mentioning of a fix for the copy issues some reported yet but they are still busy researching the problem. It can't hurt to try this release fixes the issue anyway. I'll cross fingers for you...

a. Fixed: Bookmarks are not saved sometimes.
c. Fixed: Cannot play M4V files.
d. Fixed: The audio album jacket is not shown on the info page when an audio file is being played.
e. Fixed: The chapter title is not shown on the info while a MKV file with chapters info is being played.
f. Fixed: When the bookmark key is pressed while a MKV file with chapters info, the chapter titles are not shown on the chapter selection popup.
g. Fixed: The 'я' is not shown for the Cyrillic subtitle.
h. Fixed: The setup menu shows strange characters when OSD Language is Vietnamese.

a. Fixed: The scheduled recording does not start.
b. Fixed: TVIX is not stable if user switch between DTV and player frequently.
c. Fixed: The DTV does not start with the last watching channel.

Same as recent several previous firmware versions, this version has a bug that users can not copy large size files to TVIX over SAMBA. Dvico recognized the problem and engineers are working on it. We expect it to be fixed on next firmware or one after next.

DANNY839 發表於 2009-9-26 13:02


chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-26 21:30

DANNY839 發表於 2009-9-26 13:02


DANNY839 發表於 2009-9-26 22:37

146# chhanthony

CHING~其實點解好似有兩種唔同GE FW係度更新咁GE??1.3.68/1.4.22?{:6_185:}

LAWSON 發表於 2009-9-27 17:31

本帖最後由 LAWSON 於 2009-9-27 17:38 編輯要改成咁先得

chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-28 10:19

{:1_263:}Thx Lawson

chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-28 10:20

146# chhanthony

CHING~其實點解好似有兩種唔同GE FW係度更新咁GE??1.3.68/1.4.22?{:6_185:}
DANNY839 發表於 2009-9-26 22:37

1.3.XX 係舊....1.4XX 係新O的
頁: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
查看完整版本: Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

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