LAWSON 發表於 2009-8-11 00:31

照計外置usb好過lan,因為我係用usb hdd先play m2ts/bdmv順
我部6500係早期版,即係d人話唔可以唔插hdd入散熱果種,有時我隻hdd過熱會機都試過hang.唔知係唔係我隻250G hdd太薄,做唔到散熱功能,有時hang 左先之後boot唔返著,我要再插一次隻hdd先開返著,

namelost 發表於 2009-8-11 00:52


我同你的唔同應該係player version、我用ext. HDD而你用內置、你有用lan而我無。有時間我再試埋你個setup先,thank you。

LAWSON 發表於 2009-8-11 00:59

set lan?
好易的,,當然要去tvix dl返個netshare裝左先啦
跟住你可以share四個位,嚮setup到打返腦個ip比佢就得跟返tvixhd1 - 4落去就得
hang 機除左過熱之外照理唔會睇睇下途中hang.經lan play就更加小添.所以我先覺得係我隻hdd有事.

namelost 發表於 2009-8-11 01:07

set lan?
好易的,,當然要去tvix dl返個netshare裝左先啦
跟住你可以share四個位,嚮setup到打返腦個ip比佢就得跟返tvixhd1 - 4落去就得
hang 機除左過熱之外照理唔會睇睇下途中hang.經lan play就更加小添.所以我先覺 ...
LAWSON 發表於 2009-8-11 00:59

我的會中途hang,我個Tvix入面無HDD而ext. HDD係離開佢放的,但有時都會好順,情況好random的。你如果有外置HDD,或向朋友借來一用,便應試試空出機內的int. HDD,用外置的看看。可能都會一樣而hang機,如果係咁,未必關散熱事了。

chhanthony 發表於 2009-8-11 10:43

內置放成日試嘅戲, 裸族用嚟睇BDMV同TS
不過我發覺用裸族睇BDMV有時會drop frame

LAWSON 發表於 2009-8-11 21:02

我再試過外置hdd play mkv,真係冇勁快字幕呢個問題.

chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-5 12:52

我再試過外置hdd play mkv,真係冇勁快字幕呢個問題.
LAWSON 發表於 2009-8-11 21:02


chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-9 14:57

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2009-9-9 15:07 編輯

Official DViCo Discussion: Firmware 1.4.14 PreRelease
- Supports UTF8
- When browsing files, able to see all of language files without changing the language setting.
- Able to change main language in setup without rebooting
- Supports Hebrew and Arabic characters for subtitles
- Adds Portuguese and Vietnamese for the OSD language

- Able to change the default encoding language for subtitle in setup and even during playing movie with subtitle key on the remote

=> Also can change on the fly by pressing subtitle key one the remote while watching video files, select 'Encoding' button on the window and the choose the encoding languate.

- When NFS, able to select a encoding type type between the code page and UTF8
=> When using netshare, you must use the code page. You only can see the language you set on TVIX.
=> When using other NFS servers beyond netshare like NAS, Linux or so on, better to use UTF8 in most of cases.

- The speed of mode changes between video and DTV has been increased a lot.
Other issues are similar to 1.3.168
Known issues for Video related
** Unstable composite/component output with some TVs. (We think we solved the problem but it's under test and it has not incorporated in this release)
- When HD Audio pass-through is on with HD audio stream, S/PDIF does not work
- When HD Audio pass-through is off with HD audio stream, playback may not be smooth
- When DTS audio setting is digital, HDMI audio is ON and HD audio pass-through is set to ON, then audio is not heard on the SPDIF output
(For the same setting, if HDMI audio is set to OFF, then audio is HEARD on the SPDIF output.)
- Some WMV may not play correctly
- Digital output for AAC/WMA is disabled
- Does not support PCM audio track on MP4 now
- Some low sampling frequency on AVI and MKV may not sound on HDMI
- Some MKV with AAC may not sound

Known issues for TS/TP Video related
- The type of PGS language is not showed.
** TS/TP with AAC audio has problem in outputing sound.

Known issues for audio and pictures related
- For MP3 files with low sampling frequency, the TVIX might crash while playing or trick play like FF or RW.

Known issue for Network
- BD ISO playback through Network.
It stutters most of the times. It is because mounting ISO as a drive overhead is too much for 6500 CPU.
So, it looks like hardware limitation. We are trying to optimize it but it may not result to success.
We recommend to use IFO structure.
- If you play files without refreshing the file list after delete files through FTP or SAMBA server, the system will reboot.
Known issues for PVR
- After channel changed, you may not here audio in short time. This is the bug from the chip manufacturer. To solve this, you can press DTV key or Audio key on the remote.
Known issues for UPnP
- Audio Playlist, Icon view and Thumbnail view are not supported
- Some internet radio may not be supported
*** If you play files with HD audio tracks like Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS-HD MA or LPCM, you'd better turn on HD Audio pass through on the setup even though you don’t have a receiver that supports decoding of these formats. Otherwise, you will hear strange noise with some repetitive popping noise. Currently, we don’t support core decoding, if you don’t have a HD audio decoder receiver, you need to select other then these HD audio tracks audio track for now.


DANNY839 發表於 2009-9-9 18:14


LAWSON 發表於 2009-9-10 10:12

頁: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
查看完整版本: Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

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