發表於 2015-6-28 03:17
For Vivadi music, I MUSICI (featuring with superb members) performs so good and philips recording really set a reference standard {:1_338:}
發表於 2015-6-28 09:06
本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-6-28 09:43 編輯
kongchai 發表於 2015-6-28 00:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Buy it now 也可買到啦!
最後以近USD125 完成, 即港紙近千.
鬥bid是睇下邊個做waterfish 姐, 佢願開到甘盡, 就玩甘盡lo {:6_134:}
最恐怖是last 2min內, 有人cancel過你的 bid之後再一回落一個低你少少的bid來頂你.
入唔到CD唔要. 之後一定仲有{:6_165:}
發表於 2015-6-28 09:40
ernietse 發表於 2015-6-28 03:17 static/image/common/back.gif
For Vivadi music, I MUSICI (featuring with superb members) performs so good and philips recording...
I Musici 是好東西, 當年philips借他們重出不少Vivaldi 的曲目, 而且不少都好聽極了!
只又因為曲目是上古類(17世紀上下) 在進求刺激的80年代不太受歡迎, 過去是小廠出, 又或者是大廠的旁支出.
千禧年前後大廠用平價版翻出過, 聞說都幾好賣.
直至近年都是版HM, BIS出回.... 現在I Musici 在什麼地方出碟呢?
發表於 2015-6-28 12:41
kl122002 發表於 2015-6-28 09:06 static/image/common/back.gif
最後以近USD125 完成, 即港紙近千.
鬥bid是睇下邊個做waterfish 姐, 佢願開到甘盡, 就玩甘盡lo {:6_134: ...
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-6-28 15:38
kongchai 發表於 2015-6-28 12:41 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...
昨晚有少少好運, 入到呢張:
真是好彩, 無人爭的一樣 .
發表於 2015-6-28 15:43
kl122002 發表於 2015-6-28 15:38 static/image/common/back.gif
昨晚有少少好運, 入到呢張:
her Mendelssohn violin concerto performance is good too{:1_351:}
發表於 2015-6-28 15:44
本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-6-28 15:45 編輯
今日處理之前落雨弄壞的木櫃時找到舊時收藏的BIS CD. 它, 真的如傳說般在我府上消失了很久.
真的, 找到它別放過.
發表於 2015-6-28 15:47
ernietse 發表於 2015-6-28 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif
her Mendelssohn violin concerto performance is good too
當年我沒入這張, 因為自已太迷Heifetz了...
唔知你覺得女小提琴手好D, 還是男的好D?
發表於 2015-6-28 17:04
本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-6-28 19:28 編輯
kl122002 發表於 2015-6-28 15:47 static/image/common/back.gif
當年我沒入這張, 因為自已太迷Heifetz了...
唔知你覺得女小提琴手好D, 還是男的好D?
personally female perfomers tend to be more passionate, emotional, and personal{:1_252:}
while male performers tend to be more professional, serious, and focus based{:1_264:}
of course these are stereotype characteristics, really depend the particular performer and their past performance
I would use another angle to compare performers by national backgrounds, I would use Canada (Montreal:Charles Duton), USA (Leonard bernsterin), Japanese (Seiji), Dutch (Bernard Haitink), German (Karajan) etc...
I would say USSR background performers perhaps really have a sort of unique talent which is totally difference from Western background performers. Perhaps the diet, cultural values (freedom), education and training are different so the end result is different too
If you like VIKTORIA MULLOVA, what about this similar kind of female performer JULIA FISCHER?{:1_342:}
發表於 2015-6-28 17:14
kl122002 發表於 2015-6-28 15:38 static/image/common/back.gif
昨晚有少少好運, 入到呢張:
my choice of TCHAIKOVSKY violin concerto in D, op35 is selected becasue of Bernard Haitink instead of violinist{:1_333:}