deathson 發表於 2015-10-21 05:42


Bruce話"All of the Dongles ordered were with Tip Ring Sleeve."


deathson 發表於 2015-10-21 05:52

好在佢地VP, Kent Loughlin岩岩回左我Email會同我RMA, 唔係真係以為自己撞鬼{:6_154:}

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-21 11:37

我都「耐心地」等緊我條 4 pin 的 Vero headphone cable.   因為我要加長到 3 米,所以被 delay 了,有時塞翁失馬,焉知非福呢!

Hello Vero Backers!

Good news!

Our plan is to completely ship the "TRS" non-balanced 1/4" and 3.5mm connectors before months end.

The Vero 4 pin XLR Balanced Cables are in the queue and we are now in the final stages of testing the new Vero“balanced” Cable.

Once this cable is through testing, the new circuits boards will be ordered. Additionally, we plan to have all replacement 4 Pin XLR Balanced Cables ready for shipment sometime next month.

We are truly sorry for the added delay related to the Balanced 4 pin XLR cables, and appreciate your patience and ask you to please work with us as we finalize your new Vero "balanced" headphone cables. If you have not requested your RMA, please contact us at and we will respond back to you promptly.

P.S., We have received only 4 RMA’s and we know there are 14 out there, so please let us know if you are one of the 14!

Thanks again for being so patient! You all ROCK!!

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-12-24 01:42

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2015-12-24 01:44 編輯

由 3 月尾 落踏到 12 月尾,終於收到 vero cable 了。我訂了一條 Vero Full cable (Audeze 頭), 我個損友訂了一條 Vero Reference Cable (HD800 頭)

今次我係搭小修小寶的 Herculus 集運的,所以運費平到笑,今天去攞線時,順便借 Herculus 條 Vero Reference Cable (Audeze 頭) 比較,發現兩條線的線基是一樣的,都是 Mogami 2893 四蕊 OFC 咪線,線身大部份被抹走 白字,但個頭封住的位無抹到。所以 Full cable 和 Reference cable 唯一分別是個盒仔了。Mogami 這條線非常輕巧柔軟,使用上算方便,但線基的質素便不要期望太多了!

Vero 的 4 pin 和 3.5mm 接頭都是用 Neutrik 的,雖不算高檔次但總算穩穩陣陣,但 6.35mm 接頭便呵呵呵了,望落極似鴨記街檔的無牌子產品。實在難明為何單單是 6.35mm 接頭不用 Neutrik 的接頭,你叫人地情何似堪呢!

既然線材接頭無乜特點,咁就直接試聽啦。耳機是借 Herculus 的 LCD3,第一耳感覺平衡度不錯,四平分穩,不會太味精因。為對 Herculus 套機不熟悉 (只記得耳擴是 47Labs ),機線又剛剛開袋,所以不敢妄下判斷,只集中比較下 Full vs Reference。若以 Vero full cable 作基礎,Vero Reference 在低頻方面有比較大的分別,整個低的層次都有改善,full D,豐富D,實在D。高中頻的分別相對比較小。

然後試 Vero Full cable 之後再加上 bass dongle,合體後 Vero Reference 很接近,有點似 Reference cable = Full cable + bass dongle 的感覺,但後者bass 的量再多小小!

以 Kickstarter 的價來說,我確得 Vero Full cable 相對抵玩的,Vero Reference 是否值 extra US$200 則要看用什麼耳了。如用開的耳機調音略薄或 bass 量不夠,那用 Vero Reference 或加個 bass dongle 確實是有幫助的!

tleonard 發表於 2016-3-23 13:02

該煨囉,又嚟 Reference 嘅 dongles?
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