pkf1234 發表於 2015-4-7 10:55


Andykong 發表於 2015-4-7 11:09

pkf1234 發表於 2015-4-7 10:55 static/image/common/back.gif

電就鐘意鍍銠多 D,Audio 就真係未試過!

pkf1234 發表於 2015-4-7 11:46

電源線,音源線, 耳機線大部份都是炭纖鍍銠頭.

tleonard 發表於 2015-4-27 04:01

Andykong 發表於 2015-3-31 11:46 static/image/common/back.gif
終於收到 instruction 改返個 contribution amount 了!

個 email attached 了段 Youtube video, 見到條 V ...

Technically speaking, how does the impact of the Standard Dongle and the Bass Dongle compare to the articulation poles found in the Full Range Cable?

A: The “Full Range Cable” and “Standard Universal Dongle” have identical networks with Poles of Articulation spread across the audible audio spectrum.

如果改咗兩邊都係公頭嘅話,咁樣係咪可以直接當係過機線咁用嚟?係就正喇,99 美金再加運費同埋換頭應該都係一千銀鬆啲。

XLR 版有四芯,最緊要嘅就係線徑夠細,咁即係可以整一條短嘅平衡線啦。或者當係 Standard Dongle + 轉頭二合一都有著數:

XLR 轉 Kobiconn 平衡(RSA 同 ALO)
XLR 轉 兩條 6.3 平衡(Phasemation EPA-007 同 Resonessence Labs INVICTA)
XLR 轉 兩條 3.5 平衡(Sony PHA-3)
XLR 轉 3.5 平衡(HiFiMAN)
XLR 轉 2.5 平衡(A&K)
XLR 轉 6.3 單端
XLR 轉 3.5 單端

Andykong 發表於 2015-4-28 11:18

tleonard 發表於 2015-4-27 04:01 static/image/common/back.gif
如果改咗兩邊都係公頭嘅話,咁樣係咪可以直接當係過機線咁用嚟?係就正喇,99 美金再加運費同埋換頭應 ...

我估佢 單端和平衡都用同一線材,都係 4 蕊,分別只是接頭。就算剪左原來的 Female 頭改公頭,用來做過機線的話,都會幾長下喎,係剪就要狠 D,係個 dongle 對上小小就剪,儘量縮短條線!

其實我都有考慮係條 full cable 做類似的動作,在 Dongle 頂用 2.5mm mono 頭做個 adapter 位,然後 DIY 幾對 adapter 比唔同 headphone, 將條 full cable 變萬用 cable.

tleonard 發表於 2015-4-28 17:20

Andykong 發表於 2015-4-28 11:18 static/image/common/back.gif
我估佢 單端和平衡都用同一線材,都係 4 蕊,分別只是接頭。就算剪左原來的 Female 頭改公頭,用來做過機 ...

我未試過 DIY 線,所以唔知 black/green/red/white 有無特別嘅意思,如果佢哋同我哋講『心思思,唔話你知』咪隨時要學拆彈專家咁樣靠估?

另外 Kim 姐將會幫我哋手傾關於香港嘅集運,如果扑鎚嘅話就應該可以上 Hercules 嗰度攞自己訂咗嘅線,然後大家 share 運費就比較慳水慳力,到時就真係要多謝 Hercules 嘅幫忙。

呢位師兄話中村頭嘅櫻桃小嘴只係適合 4.5mm 線徑,就咁睇都真係唔知 Standard Dongle 條線會唔會肥得滯:

pkf1234 發表於 2015-4-28 18:49

tleonard 發表於 2015-4-28 17:20 static/image/common/back.gif
我未試過 DIY 線,所以唔知 black/green/red/white 有無特別嘅意思,如果佢哋同我哋講『心思思,唔話 ...

by observation :-
white - left+, black- left ground
red    - right+, green - right ground

Andykong 發表於 2015-4-29 03:34

tleonard 發表於 2015-4-28 17:20 static/image/common/back.gif
我未試過 DIY 線,所以唔知 black/green/red/white 有無特別嘅意思,如果佢哋同我哋講『心思思,唔話 ...

有「他錶」的話,唔駛估啦,剪線後遂條「他」下線蕊和 XLR 的 pin 位便能確定了。

我的構思是用兩個兩極 (mono) 2.5mm 而不是一個 4 極的 2.5mm, connector 會有較多選擇,而且對粗線的包容度也較高!

我 confirm cable configuration 時已 email 了 Kim 表示會選擇和 Hercules 的 order 做 bundles shipment, 佢話原則上無問題但要遲 D 先知運費相差幾多!

tleonard 發表於 2015-5-1 23:55

最新嘅 Update 話 Vero Full Range Reference Cable 即將推出,如果俾咗錢訂普通版本嘅有機會加錢升級喎,即係又玩 Light Harmonic 嗰招看家本領,首先放個相當吸引嘅 Secret Perk 筍價出嚟先,之後就慢慢氹班客仔買高級嘅豪華版之類。

tleonard 發表於 2015-5-9 23:05

Secret Perk #8
Vero Reference Cable - $349
Limited Quantity - 50
Once they are gone at this price, that's it!
The Vero Reference Cable has a MSRP of $899.00 USD.

Secret Perk #9
Vero Reference Cable Upgrade- $200
If you have already purchased the Vero Full Range Cable, you can upgrade to the Vero Reference Cable by using this Perk.

Secret Perk #10
Vero Adapter Dongle - $99
Limited Quantity - 100
Once they are gone at this price, that's it!
The Vero Adapter Dongle has a MSRP of $299.00 USD.

Vero Reference Cable
The Vero Reference Cable can be terminated to your headphones using the same options offered for the Vero Full Range Cable. The Vero Reference Cable houses the same technology that the Vero Full Range Cable has, and includes 21 Poles of Articulation. The Full Range Vero holds 12 poles. The difference in what you hear is based on the larger number of Articulation Poles. MIT’s Poles of Articulation synergistically work together to transport the audio signal with a more even, or flatter response than just a single cable. With the additional 9-Articulation Poles, the Bass is more controlled, the Mid-Range is smoother and more extended highs. The noise floor has been dramatically dropped once again.See more about MIT's Multipole Technology.

Vero Adapter Dongle
The Vero “Adapter” Dongle will house one of the technologies that has been used in MIT’s Reference Category of Products for years. This technology reduces all forms of extraneous noise generated by such things as your digitizer, amplifier or passive elements found within your audio or headphone systems. The MIT Technology that will be included within the Vero “Adapter” Dongle will reduce the noise floor and increase the low level detail. Listeners often refer to this as creating a “blacker” background. With the noise removed, timbres and textures are more accurately heard, while sound staging and images within the sound stage are also enhanced. The term ‘Holographic’ is often used to describe what the listener hears.
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