發表於 2015-3-26 09:10
Andykong 發表於 2015-3-26 01:07 static/image/common/back.gif
細細聲問,有 delivery date 嗎?
點都快過 Light Harmonic 啩,起碼唔會學佢哋咁樣整色整水,成日都係咁玩千變萬化嘅 Geek 款式,之後不斷咁引誘人哋俾(多幾次)錢升級,好似劉小慧嘅歌:
發表於 2015-3-26 11:59
tleonard 發表於 2015-3-26 09:10 static/image/common/back.gif
點都快過 Light Harmonic 啩,起碼唔會學佢哋咁樣整色整水,成日都係咁玩千變萬化嘅 Geek 款式,之後不 ...
尋晚半夜落左條 full cable, paypal 扣了 $1, 但全程無正式知會 $125 個價,所以有點奇怪,大家已被聯絡有關 cable in/out connectors 和長度嗎?大約幾時先改返 $1 做 $125?
其實有無可能安排成班香港 backer 一齊郵寄收貨? 估計運費會慳唔小!
發表於 2015-3-26 14:54
_We are offering you an exclusive Indiegogo "Secret Perk". You can purchase as many of these perks as you want at this price, but hurry.. these perks are limited!
Secret Perk #1
Vero Full Range Headphone Cable - $125.00
This is the absolute lowest price for our Vero Cable which has an MSRP of $499.00.
Limited Quantity Available: 50
Secret Perk #2
Vero Standard Universal Dongle - $99.00
This will be the lowest price offered for the Vero Standard Dongle which has an MSRP of $299.00
Limited Quantity Available: 100
Secret Perk #3
Vero Bass Dongle - $149.00
This will be the very lowest price for the Vero Bass Dongle which has an MSRP of $350.00
Limited Quantity Available: 100
Secret Perk #4
Vero Full Range Headphone Cable plus Vero Bass Dongle Combo - $249.00
The very best of both! Combining our Vero Full Range Headphone Cable with the Vero Bass Dongle at this price? Why wouldn't you??
Limited Quantity Available: 50
發表於 2015-3-26 14:56
Andykong 發表於 2015-3-26 11:59 static/image/common/back.gif
尋晚半夜落左條 full cable, paypal 扣了 $1, 但全程無正式知會 $125 個價,所以有點奇怪,大家已被聯絡 ...
佢係要你back果下自接直接改個Total Contribution去$125....
發表於 2015-3-26 15:19
deathson 發表於 2015-3-26 14:56 static/image/common/back.gif
佢係要你back果下自接直接改個Total Contribution去$125....
大鑊,昨晚 4am 落單,襟制見ok 就訓,現在要諗下點攪了!
發表於 2015-3-26 17:18
Andykong 發表於 2015-3-26 15:19 static/image/common/back.gif
大鑊,昨晚 4am 落單,襟制見ok 就訓,現在要諗下點攪了!
起碼十個八個 backers 都淨係放低一蚊雞就拍籮柚走人,唔駛咁緊張住。小修小寶 Hercules 可能都有夾錢,如果係就搵佢幫手一次過收齊香港嘅貨之後再俾返 Hercules 自己嗰一份運費就可以慳唔少。
過幾日 Kim Kaplan 一定會 send e-mail 逐個問條線嘅詳情,到時先知同佢慢慢傾集運同埋點樣找埋條尾數都唔會遲啦。
發表於 2015-3-26 19:10
tleonard 發表於 2015-3-26 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
起碼十個八個 backers 都淨係放低一蚊雞就拍籮柚走人,唔駛咁緊張住。小修小寶 Hercules 可能都有夾錢, ...
我尋晚就係同 Hercules whatsapp 到 3 點幾,得佢解釋了我幾點唔明的地方,我先會攪到 4 點落單囉!如果 Herculus 肯仗義出手就最好啦!
我經 出了 PM 比 Kim Kaplan, 睇下佢點覆啦,應該無事既!
發表於 2015-3-26 19:27
Hercules 會入 BATCH 來賣嗎? 他出手可能方便好多WOR.
發表於 2015-3-26 19:35
t1174 發表於 2015-3-26 19:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Hercules 會入 BATCH 來賣嗎? 他出手可能方便好多WOR.
佢買來自用,Vero 將來個價係點都未知,現在呢排係 crowdfunding, 有一定風險兼數量有限,未必適會作買賣的!
發表於 2015-3-26 23:44
耳機嘅品牌越嚟越多,隻隻都鍾意用唔同嘅頭。耳擴同埋 DAP 亦都有各式平衡輸出,訂得多之後如果個頭唔啱用又要賣俾第二個或者連個頭都換埋佢,加 adapters 又唔知差幾遠。