pkf1234 發表於 2015-5-29 06:40

Sennheiser HD800upgrade - $55
Sennheiser HD700 upgrade - $25
HIFIMan and Mr. Speakers Upgrade - $20

Andykong 發表於 2015-5-29 10:42

竟然真係攪錯左,真正的廷長價錢是頭 1m 加 US$20,然後遂呎計,每呎 US$6.2。

咁同 每呎 US$20 / 30差好遠!我諗尋日佢地收唔小媽叉 feedback 了!


tleonard 發表於 2015-6-9 08:25

本帖最後由 tleonard 於 2015-6-9 08:34 編輯


開頭話 HiFiMAN 同埋 HD800 要加錢,五月尾收爐之後就改口供話 HD650 都一樣要玩算死草:

Cardas HPSC 就十幾蚊美金一對,同 $4.5 一對嘅 4 針 mini XLR 差唔夠十蚊:

你估佢哋會加幾錢呢?頭版一路都話好快會公布要收幾多,點知今時今日都無 update 到。

Andykong 發表於 2015-6-9 12:24

tleonard 發表於 2015-6-9 08:25 static/image/common/back.gif
又到咗食花生嘅時間喇: ...

講開個頭,我將我條 cable 轉左 mxlr,因為 mrspeaker Alpha type connectors 要收 US$20 upgrade fee. 我寫 email 去鬧鬼佢,我話你第日出貨比我見到你同 mrspeaker 用同一隻 connector 我一家上網唱你 rip off, 當 contributor 羊牯!mrspeaker 自已 website 賣緊 $7 一粒, $14 一對,佢竟然夠膽收 UPGRADE 都要收 $20,呢隻頭應該無其他廠出的,Bulk price 其實好平。

tleonard 發表於 2015-10-15 00:26

陰功,四芯 XLR 都唔識整就學人賣 headphone cables: I received my Vero Full Range cable. It is terminated with Audeze mini XLR on the headphone end and 4 pin XLR on the amp end. Very nice. There is one major issue though: on the XLR-4 connector at the amp end pins 2 and 4 (L- and R-) are shorted together! This is bad news for some amps I know, and possibly many headphone amps with a balanced output connector. This configuration is as designed and built from the factory.

I find it difficult to believe that they did not know of headphone amps being built that use complementary signals for the outputs. Worse yet, that they did not consider that if these pins needed to be common that this would not be done in the amp. It seems reasonable to me that since there are four pins for separate signals then none should be shorted together in the cable.

I have already spoken with several people and I hope that they are on their way to resolving this design flaw, and soon. As it is, I have a cable that is useless as-is and will have to be returned for replacement when they resolve this issue.

Really... why have four pins if there are only three signal values (Left, Right and Ground)? This alone should have been a clue.


deathson 發表於 2015-10-15 16:56

正想出post, 我已成受害者

tleonard 發表於 2015-10-17 00:06 Vero Backers!

I am receiving a number of responses regarding the 4 PIN XLR configured Vero Headphone Cable and am currently working with Aaron Reiff, our consulting engineer and Bruce Brisson, founder and CEO of MIT Cables regarding your concerns.

The issue surrounds the basic understanding of the differences between a single ended cable, versus a balanced cable, versus a fully balanced amplifier.

I have created a topic under "Vero" in our new MIT Forum where I will also post a response on this matter from both Bruce and Aaron very soon. They have committed to be available on the forum to answer any questions you may have regarding this issue.

MIT Cables apologizes for any confusion or misconception surrounding the Vero 4 PIN XLR configuration. Brisson and Reiff are working towards producing a document that will clarify terminologies used, versus system application requirements, thereby insuring that the cable you order from MIT will work with the system you intend to use with it.


Kim Kaplan連條 link 都係 beta,唔怪得知 cables 都係 alpha 質素啦,真係同 Microsoft 有得揮:

t1174 發表於 2015-10-17 00:26

睇了這文, 好像說咁 CONNECT 不是因為其他原因.

會唔會因為個 FILTER 的 DESIGN, 其中一面一定是GROUND?

有沒有3PIN XLR X2 的線已出?

tleonard 發表於 2015-10-17 00:35

淨係得 4 芯 XLR 一種 termination,完全唔提供其他選擇:,w_620/v1431408209/bjrx7wowqczwodag1jkp.jpg

tleonard 發表於 2015-10-20 16:40 of the Dongles ordered were with Tip Ring Sleeve.

All products, Cables and Dongles fitted with the Tip Ring Sleeve are safe to use and reportedly delivering all of the performance that is associated with MIT Multipole products.

Out of approximately 400 Cables and Dongles sold only 14-Twisted Pair / Balanced Cables were improperly assembled and tested and we have asked those people to send an Email to MIT requesting a Return Authorization.

We will replace the defective 14-Balanced / Twisted Pair Cables and pay freight both directions.

Cheers, Bruce都話到明係要 4 條線嘅 TRRS 先至可以玩到真真正正嘅全平衡,依家佢仲想死撐話 3 條線嘅 TRS 係同崗本一樣咁安全?咁即係要同佢玩『人聲鼎沸』啦,唔爭在贈多首小鳳姐嘅首本名曲俾佢聽喇:
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