BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-27 23:12


Shielding the 0.5
I have already mentioned improvements in bass extension, grip and overall timing in
the 0.5 by shielding it (with aluminium tape and braided wire) and in this respect the
Duelund behaves like any other wire. So we can also expect the shield to lower
background noise further and improve image separation, which it does. But there is a
fly in the ointment as there so often is with shields, in that something is lost and with
the Duelund it is that smooth and even mid-range. With the Shield, the 0.5 (I haven’t
tested the 2.0) has better timing, a more extended bass but now the breath from a
singer’s voice is not as clear or natural and the upper frequencies, whilst never hard
are nevertheless brighter. The decision whether or not to shield is not a difficult one
for me as Duelund’s biggest advantage is that natural and smooth mid- to upper. The
thicker Deulunds on the other hand provide better bass, dynamics and timing anyway
whilst retaining that lovely mid range although the price you pay is some loss of
upper frequency energy. Now who is going to try a combination of both?

Alman 發表於 2015-1-28 10:53

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-27 23:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Shielding the 0.5
I have already mentioned improvements in bass extension, grip and overa ...

小弟之前也閱讀過此段, 故未想過shielding Duelund. 另一考慮是加shielding 可能會增加電容, 影晌音色。

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-28 17:25

好...動工, 先POST 下姣婆相

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-28 17:27

又唔用得金屬做SHIELDING, 咁點好呢{:8_365:}

Alman 發表於 2015-1-28 23:04

本帖最後由 Alman 於 2015-1-28 23:06 編輯

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-28 17:27 static/image/common/back.gif
又唔用得金屬做SHIELDING, 咁點好呢


剛看完你的照片, 有得諗:

你好似用膠管套住條線? 如是, 則可把對線套入厚身多少的管(棉管更好)再加copper braid or 錫紙 做shielding。 因Duelund 與shielding 之間已有spacer, 影響會細得多。這方法 (spacer)學自 Cable Asylum。

小弟走平衡conductors 的Duelund, 因teflon/膠紙很薄, 故避用shielding, 整亦較困難。試過用兩條 Neotech 方芯銅扭埋再加銅箔做shielding, 有種較暗及局促感。 不太喜歡。 所以以後都不理shielding了。

正如節錄所說:a matter of choice。

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-28 23:46

Alman 發表於 2015-1-28 23:04 static/image/common/back.gif

剛看完你的照片, 有得諗:

ALMAN 師兄....今朝去完家計會同紅十字會後, 我頭先已經整好左.....{:8_399:} 大膽嘗試....

尼幾日睇其他師兄的POST, 不停咁玩 3M EMI Absorber, 但因為我窮, 所以無得玩

之後望一望自己個 "龍底"....見到有幾張沙紙.....{:8_379:}

Alman 發表於 2015-1-29 00:22

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-28 23:46 static/image/common/back.gif
ALMAN 師兄....今朝去完家計會同紅十字會後, 我頭先已經整好左..... 大膽嘗試....

尼幾日睇其 ...

師兄的體液真值錢。又可以為玩hifi而犧牲, {:1_351:}

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-29 00:38

本帖最後由 BRAHMS 於 2015-1-29 00:39 編輯

我依家架做法係用 2塊沙紙夾住, 再用黑綿夾住, 再入網
因為轉左新插, 唔知係咪未煲關係, 真係覺得好似無之前咁過引, 但係背景係靜左, 樂器線條好左...但....真係無之前咁過引...唔知係咁咪要煲{:8_365:}

Alman 發表於 2015-1-29 00:44

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-29 00:38 static/image/common/back.gif
我依家架做法係用 2塊沙紙夾住, 再用黑綿夾住, 再入網
因為轉左新插, 唔知係咪未煲關係, 真係覺得好似無之 ...

嘩, WBT 銀頭。。。好正!

參考番網上及Duelund 本身的整法, 何不回歸自然?即不加甚麼外層, 只兩條疊埋?

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-29 00:50

本帖最後由 BRAHMS 於 2015-1-29 00:52 編輯

BRAHMS 發表於 2015-1-29 00:38 static/image/common/back.gif
我依家架做法係用 2塊沙紙夾住, 再用黑綿夾住, 再入網
因為轉左新插, 唔知係咪未煲關係, 真係覺得好似無之 ...

ALMAN 師兄, 你有無試過2條線咩都唔包, 就咁"吊吊FING" 呀?

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查看完整版本: 過癮極了 : Duelund一族內鬥

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