myblue 發表於 2012-8-14 22:39

Apple TV 3 嘅問題有冇經驗點搞?

另一樣可以查,係windows 7 上面行嘅bonjour service係唔係停佐,如果係就atv3同ipad都搵唔到個itune home share.

- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用

cheungmeimei 發表於 2012-8-15 01:37

Sorry 乜bonjour service,在那裹check?

myblue 發表於 2012-8-15 06:28

Apple TV 3 嘅問題有冇經驗點搞?

Sorry 乜bonjour service,在那裹check?

Right click 我的電腦 > manage > service
然後睇下bonjour service試否係其中一行,兼是否行緊(可能停佐)?

- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用

Sfen 發表於 2012-8-15 09:50


cheungmeimei 發表於 2012-8-15 11:07

得左,謝謝各位,另外想問點樣把下載電影放入iTunes, 就禁拉個file去電影度是沒有,不像歌曲就禁拉入ITunes 音樂度就得!

myblue 發表於 2012-8-15 11:20

係itune到, File > Add to Library > browse到你裝movie m4v嘅folder > 揀戲.

jamesc 發表於 2012-8-27 12:40

Would like to ask whether mirroring from new iPad to apple tv 3 can output 1080p image and video?

myblue 發表於 2012-8-27 12:52

Would like to ask whether mirroring from new iPad to apple tv 3 can output 1080p image and video?
jamesc 發表於 2012-8-27 12:40

As AirPlay mirroring is different from AirPlay streaming, I doubt it can out 1080p from new iPad to atv3. Unfortunately, I don't have new iPad for such test.

jamesc 發表於 2012-8-27 14:03

Now I use HDMI adaptor, it can output 1080p video streaming from my New IPad directly to my television. I worry cannot output 1080p video if through Apple Tv. It seems downgrade the video quality at this part by way of apple tv.

myblue 發表於 2012-8-27 15:46

It really depends on which AirPlay Technolgy you use, and where you're going to stream from.I can't see any problem by streaming 1080p movie together with DD5.1 from itune library of my iMAC to ATV3. Indeed, I tried couple of mp4 like that. And, I can also mirror the whole 1920x1080 screen from mountain lion to TV via ATV3 but only with stereo.However, my ipad2 can only output 720p through movie apps such that I can'tconfirm the similar feature of your new iPad to ATV3.

Right, the moshi HDMI adaptor should be the best in terms of HD audio feature. I've tried that and still have that gear nearly brandnew in my drawer. It can output DTS DD5.1 from MAC OSX, comparing with DD5.1 output from ATV3.And there is no difference for the video quality. That applies to MAC OSX regardless it is iMAC or MBP.

Well, it may be another story when it comes to new iPad for its mirroring feature. But I can assure the streaming feature from new iPad will have 1080 output to ATV3 if the source, such as mp4 using their native apps Movie, is at 1080p.
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