myblue 發表於 2012-4-19 21:58

如果有Ching想試下rip藍光去ATV3, 呢篇文入面嘅setting有幫助了:

The steps: Ripping Blu-ray to Apple TV 3 videos with Dolby Digital 5.1 and 1080p HD quality

Step 1. Convert Blu-Ray using Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper to convert to 1080p H.264 *.mp4 (it has a preset “Apple TV” option to choose a format specific “Apple TV H.264 1920×1080(*.mp4)” to the new Apple TV).

PS: Here the profile doesn’t supply AC3 5.1 output, after several several conversions and tests I worked out the settings for converting Blu-ray to Apple TV 3 with Dolby Digital 5.1 (Select “H.264 HD Video(*.mov)” from “HD Video” category):

Codec- H.264
Resolution- 1920×1080 (Full-HD)
Bitrate- 8000kbps
Framerate- 24fps

Codec- ac3
Sampling rate- 48khz
Bitrate- 128kbps
Channel- 5.1 Channels

Step 2. Import new .mp4 file into iTunes (drag .mp4 file to the iTunes icon on the dock)

On Apple TV, I browse the iTunes library for the movie and it plays the Blu-ray Rips 1080p movies smoothly and at full quality. I don’t think it could get much simpler unless of course, Apple provides native support for Blu-Ray which doesn’t seem likely.

執濟 發表於 2012-4-20 02:03

本帖最後由 執濟 於 2012-4-20 02:06 編輯


myblue 發表於 2012-4-20 07:10


老實講,如果屋介唔系有Di乜i物, 我都未必留意呢隻產品,特別係純睇online tv之類,出面大把mp 平夾抵,再唔係,SSP百鬆D嘅tv手指再爽啦。

myblue 發表於 2012-4-27 23:15

有冇Ching 分享har.,玩佐atv咁耐,玩乜多?

我暫時最多係1)睇佢高清新戲trailer, 2) 加iPad mirror 過PPS 上電視睇online movie, 3) stream itune 歌出amp 聽。4) 上YouTube 聽睇高清music video/concert video clip.

tlmtlm 發表於 2012-4-28 01:24

梗係玩 support Airplay o既 game Realracing 2 HD 正到無朋友!!!!!!

myblue 發表於 2012-4-28 07:47

係?我玩過另外個隻asphalt6, AirPlay 出佐tv, 都幾lag喎。

kmng88 發表於 2012-4-29 11:52

回復 22# 執濟

    Pps用AirPlay 睇到,不知幾正,廣體用mirroring 就得啦 !

andyng111 發表於 2012-4-29 15:30

回復 27# kmng88


myblue 發表於 2012-4-29 19:41


    Pps用AirPlay 睇到,不知幾正,廣體用mirroring 就得啦 !
kmng88 發表於 2012-4-29 11:52

Ching, 你係唔係講pptv啊,佢係有AirPlay streaming, pps冇喎。但pptv播播下唔可以播落去,關個apps係境外問題,唔穩定。pps就好D, 不過要mirror.

myblue 發表於 2012-5-1 18:03

無聊之至,又比我搵到樣嘢係atv3 到玩得幾得意,對D化骨龍學英文幾好。

話說,隔離屋D小學雞走過黎玩,我唔覺意係ipad2到download佐個itune U 落黎,見入面有幾多免費嘅課程(video 或podcast), 走去揀佐隻英國本土British Council 嘅其中一個"I want to talk about", 將個podcast 串流上atv3 再而出電視,同一時間係ipad2到開佢個script, 嘩,班小學雞突然靜晒,因為podcast 對話,自白之類係tv 播出聲時,個文字script同時係電視出埋,個個可以跟住學講英文。好似課室咁,又多一用途.
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查看完整版本: Apple TV 3 嘅問題有冇經驗點搞?

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