Sony 46X350A
Denon AVR-4310
Rotel 1066 Power amp ( Bridged for LCR ch. )
Oppo BDP-93
Mordaunt Short Mezzo 2,Mezzo 5,Carnival 2 (4pcs),
M&K KX-12
Sine SA-5 x LongYu 206
Photography: Pentax K-5
good try and nice work!!
you must have enjoyed the DIY fun! just one thing, maybe i'm too cautious, c hing 你D釘腳的面頗細, 但喇叭腳有番咁上下斤兩, 现釘腳用膠水痴, 怕唔怕有機會因碰撞而令一兩隻釘腳甩左而令成隻喇叭腳翻倒? 因 c hing 喇叭腳隻不輕, 一翻倒可大可小.....不過可能小弟過慮.....有錯勿插