Shanfung hing, what are the spikes for B&W and how much ? thanks. ...
ez1 發表於 2011-3-31 22:27
This spike set is come with my second hand B&W. The first owner told me that cost near 1K of both spikes and made in Germany but forgot which brand {:5_90:}
DIY真樂趣多 ... very happy to see you 分享下D開心嘢, very nice...
黑膠唱盤: Pro-Ject 2Xperience
2ch amp: Luxman L-350AII Class A
9.1 AV system: LG 55, Pioneer BDP & SC-LX86, Velodyne SPL-800i, XPA-5, Energy Veritas V-6.3 x Mirage OS3