I would like to know as well. As I just DIY a signal cable (天線) for TV. When I compare 2 methods.
1) connect both ends of shielding wire net (屏蔽網線)to plug shell (插頭外殼)
2) Connect Shielding wire net to ONE END while other end keep isolated.
It seem that no much difference.
The most interest is, at the beginning, I insulate BOTH ENDS shield wire net from plug shell. I still can watch the TV. But of course Too much noise appear, especially for the Non digital TV program. However, it come out the dilemma that signal current just go through by one cable only. No negative cable is required. It is totally violate from my concept in F5 physic.
I wish CHing More and More Pointing Teach (多多指教)
PS: As my Chinese Typing is worse, I am sorry that I can only type English. I wish CHing can understand my pool English.
I have DIY antenna for TV and AV amp with Belden 1694A and Hisago 1367(S5CFV). Both plugs end are connected with solid conductor 芯 and braid shield 網. There is no problem for TV and FM reception until an integrated amp is connected with av amp. (av amp pre-out to integrated amp". There was a little "di di" electric current sound from the front speakers.
The problem has been solved by disconnected the braid shield at one end of the plug.