Sony 46X350A
Denon AVR-4310
Rotel 1066 Power amp ( Bridged for LCR ch. )
Oppo BDP-93
Mordaunt Short Mezzo 2,Mezzo 5,Carnival 2 (4pcs),
M&K KX-12
Sine SA-5 x LongYu 206
Photography: Pentax K-5
Please note that, as set out in our returns policy, you need to return the original item to within 30 days of the date of this e-mail. If you do not return the original item to us within 30 days, reserves the right to charge an amount equal to the price of your original order to the payment card you used for the order.
Firstly, please accept my sincere apologies for the issues you have experienced with this item "Fast & Furious 1-4 Box Set [Blu-ray] [2001]".
We appreciate that you wrote to the manufacturer regarding this situation that was the correct action to take, and we are sorry that you have not yet received a reply.
At this situation, we are unable to create a replacement because you may again receive a faulty item.
Therefore, I've requested a refund of 17.94 GBP to your payment card for this item. This refund should go through within the next few days and will appear as a credit on your next card statement.
When refunding for a damaged or defective item, it is our policy to request that you must return the original item to within 30 days. However, as the cost of returning this item is in this case prohibitively expensive, we ask that you keep this item with our compliments. Perhaps you would like to donate it to a charity in your area if you feel it would be appropriate to do so.
If you have received a replacement disc from the manufacturer, please let us know so we can re-charge your payment card.