iPhone 12就人人都講勒,我自己就好想快D可以換機呀。但其實跟住 iPhone 12 推出的仲有全新的 HomePod mini呀,今次呢隻智能喇叭身高僅有 84mm,亦都可以對應 Siri 作語音操作,而且佢地加強左智能家居的功能,就係因為用上左新開發 Apple S5 晶片,能夠分析音樂特質,以相應的 EQ 模式輸出最佳播放音量同埋動態。配合埋 Siri 後,HomePod mini 能對應更多iOS裝置升級不同既功能?睇黎都要拉下小瑟同Hugo買一對返來係我地 Studio 試真佢勒. 大家訂閱定我地等睇評測啦!
Apple confirmed to The Verge that Dolby Atmos and 5.1 and 7.1 channel audio output from Apple TV 4K will work with a single HomePod, but that the feature will “work best when you have two HomePod speakers paired up.” The just-announced $99 HomePod mini does not support these new features.