Louis 採用多條12號單支銅線加銀線編織而成(適合用在amp/AV amp/後級/或拖板,屬於力量型)
Othello 採用兩條含七條單支銀線+雙層銀網屏蔽的靚線作正負極接連(適合用在CD/DVD/Blu-ray機或前級同解碼,走高分析力)
Canton 採用12AWG優質多股銀線兩條與12AWG高純度單支銅線(有齊Louis及Othello的優點)
Louis 採用多條12號單支銅線 ...
fuman0123 發表於 2010-7-30 23:14
Thx cHing, u r a SINE expert! Is this combination OK? :
Onkyo 608 + Louis , to improve 力量
Mirage MM6 sub + Louis , to improve 力量
Accuphase E-211 + Othello , to improve 分析力
Are these cables good for beginner level with my machines above? (Lots of cHings talk about these cords)
Northwire 18A
Ortofon 3900
About power bar, SINE SAF-30A or PS Audio Quintet Power Centre are over my budget.
Any recommendation for <$2000? with at 6-8 MK plugs (UK). Is MK plug less option to choose from, comparing with US plug?