Agree. I really believe motion interpolation should be turned off for movies, even though I understand that many CHing prefer smoothness and consider it as an important criterion in selecting a TV - I don't.
I agree there is only one correct setting in the same lighting condition.
That being said, occasionally I'll re-adjust black level on a per-movie basis if the movie disc is mastered incorrectly. This is not usually a great problem with Hollywood movies, but many Asian productions are not good with respect to black level.
而對於lcd led 用戶其實亦有其需要.因快速畫面不單是指主體快速移動(鏡頭不移動).其實最難處理反而係主体移動同時鏡頭也移動的埸景.(因當鏡頭移動等於整個畫面內的東西都在郁).尤其lcd led 開motion 功能有助減少拖尾.當然開太高會影響電影感(畫面好似變左打機咁).但開低係有正面幫助的.但當然亦要視乎型號高低.留意開左主體有冇起渣現象.有的話就不要開了