USB, coaxial 定係 optical 最好聲?
本帖最後由 amusic 於 2011-10-7 17:03 編輯小弟初加入CAS行列,請問以下方案邊個好D呢? 煩請賜教!
1) MF孖寶: Macbook Pro -- --> MF V-Link -- --> MF V-DAC -- --> Amp
2) VDAC解碼: Macbook Pro -- --> MF V-DAC -- --> Amp
3) SA解碼: Macbook Pro -- --> SA-15S2 -- --> Amp
4) Link-SA解碼: Macbook Pro -- --> MF V-Link -- --> SA-15S2 -- --> Amp
5) m2tech轉換: Macbook Pro --> m2tech Hiface -- --> MF V-DAC -- --> Amp
Software: iTunes / Audirvana + Amarra Junior + Bit perfect Optical一定唔好, 照咁睇小弟會揀選擇一!! {:6_182:} 有無Ching可以解釋下各種的好與壞呢?{:6_136:} 本帖最後由 qwe456 於 2011-10-7 17:38 編輯
小弟初加入CAS行列,請問以下方案邊個好D呢? 煩請賜教!
1) MF孖寶: Macbook Pro ----> MF V-Link -- [Coa ...
amusic 發表於 2011-10-7 16:59
(a) Have you got any of these equipment yet?
(b) Why isn't connecting your laptop to V-DAC over USB an option?My gut feeling is that whatever benefits you get from asynchronous USB from V-Link might be overshadowed by the additional circuits, cables, interference, etc.
(c) And if you are spending all that money on V-Link + V-DAC + cables, you should at least take a look at M1DAC or the other cheaper DACs (Arcam rDAC, Cambridge Audio DACMagic, Onix DAC25, and even the Chinese products, though I find the first two horrible products for what they are).FYI, used M1DAC should go for <$3000.
(d) I would say the m2tech option is definitely out no matter what -- drawing power over USB is a bad idea. 5 is the best sound no doubt (a) Have you got any of these equipment yet?
(b) Why isn't connecting your laptop to V- ...
qwe456 發表於 2011-10-7 17:35
drawing power over USB is a bad idea..... are you engineer? Do you know the circuit? actually it highly depends on the circuit design. no golden rule that usb must bad sound, coxial must good sound. it depends on how the dac do jitter correction. if the dac share the clock with computer via usb (depends on its circuit design), it will be worse than using internal clock.
after all, you need to have ab test, just "blow water" here is meaningless... 無聽哂, 好難作出比較...
我剩係知道mac機出既光纖訊號俾DAC係麻麻地啫... actually it highly depends on the circuit design. no golden rule that usb must bad sound, coxial mus ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2011-10-7 17:46
I agree that the OP should just test different combinations and see what he likes the best.But I'm not sure if he has all that equipment yet, so he's trying to figure out what to get!I would imagine that starting with just the USB DAC and test things out one at a time is probably the most defensive move.
And yes, it's hard to rank USB/coaxial/optical, it's very much dependent on the designs. 本帖最後由 amusic 於 2011-10-7 18:15 編輯
(a) Have you got any of these equipment yet?
(b) Why isn't connecting your laptop to V- ...
qwe456 發表於 2011-10-7 17:35
(a) At the moment, I only have V-DAC and a cheap USB/Optical converter.Thinking of buying V-Link or m2tech.
(b) I have tried connecting laptop to V-DAC directly but the sound is not as good as using optical out.Many ppl say that a USB converter is needed.
(c) M1 DAC I have considered before, but the comments seem not very good.Maybe that's why there are so many 2nd hand in the market now.
(d) Then what if I use Labkable DUO usb to separate power supply and signal supply?