發表於 2011-6-17 20:37
回復 60# chrislam101
What is "VERY GOOD", Ching??{:6_208:}
發表於 2011-6-19 18:08
This thread interesting. Encouraged us to know more. Building on the water / river analogy, let me throw in a bit to radiate ripples.
From the reservoir to the roof tank, the water current can be turbulent and rough. Think of a shower head, we can change the shower jet if the head has a selector. The shower jet can be smooth or gusty.
The water supplies department just produces a 'water pressure' at our home intake point. The pipes, joints/connectors , tapes can smooth out the flow NO MATTER HOW TURBULENT IT WAS BEFORE IT ARRIVES. Don't grille me if said sth wrong.
發表於 2011-6-20 07:30
回復 62# homantin
""From the reservoir to the roof tank, the water current can be turbulent and rough. Think of a shower head, we can change the shower jet if the head has a selector. The shower jet can be smooth or gusty.
The water supplies department just produces a 'water pressure' at our home intake point. The pipes, joints/connectors , tapes can smooth out the flow NO MATTER HOW TURBULENT IT WAS BEFORE IT ARRIVES. Don't grille me if said sth wrong."""
Thx for your comment, of course your opinion is welcome.BTW, Water Supplies Department WSD has done a good job, water from reservoir to roof top and to our house are not turbulent and rough! Anyway, back to your example. It simply means the last bit of equipment/instrument has "condition" the flow! Most of the conditioning instrument has some loss in it, right?
As I admitted in this thread, what I am questioning is why "the last bit of equipment- cable" will make the amp more "powerful" UNLESS this 1m of magic power cable has a "conditioning" effect! But all we seems from the advertisements only emphasis the purity of the cable cable and how good they can "conduct" electricity. To me, it just seems it is a myth why a 1m of high grade cable at the end will improve so much but not some sort of power filter / conditioner??? If one day any cable maker come out and say " Our cable has conditioning effect built-in, it will make your equipment more powerful and sound better!" then it will answer by fundermental question but of course will lead up another one "What have they done in their cable !!"
What do u think?
發表於 2011-6-20 23:19
Take the shower head as "the last bit of equipment" for the water supply, it can 'shape' the water jet.
I have a digital voltage meter in my power bar, the reading is 223v or 224v in daytime, 225v night time. AC current fluctuating anyway. Assume it constant to keep things simple. A good piece of cable has lower loss. Will that make the output more 'powerful' with higher voltage? Just my little thought after some wine.
發表於 2011-6-24 19:01
Take the shower head as "the last bit of equipment" for the water supply, it can 'shape' the water j ...
homantin 發表於 2011-6-20 23:19
Theoreticallyyes! The last 1m of high grade cable will reduce the total resistance under the same voltage! but by how much? and after all the transformer and regulator and who know how many of conditioning circuit inside the appliance circuit. Do you really think the difference in that reduced resistance will be notice by naked ear? I doubt that very much although I am not 100% sure.
But looking it in a different view, if these so minor reduction of resistance could make such a noticeable difference, then it is so easy! simply clean/ polishing the copper contacts, re-tightening thewire connection, or use cable with bigger diameter should cause similar effect! But peoples still willing to spend $$$$ on cables i.e.- electrical cable , it might implies something more in it!
發表於 2011-7-1 23:15
其實我同 chanwt 都一樣, 一直都係對呢個問題感到好疑惑
我已經唔諗入屋前果D, 由電燈公司舖設果0的雞線0既影響會係點
我想知0既係, 由電插頭到部機入面應用呢0的電流0既零件, 之間果0的電線
就算我地換條幾靚0既 powercord, 但始終響部機入面0既電線, 如果繼續用雞線0既話, 唔係一樣會整差晒0的電流咩?
我估亦都係因為咁, 所以有0的師兄先會拆開部機0黎摩改部機入面0既電線?
或者咁樣, 如果用數字化0黎解釋0既話
即係每一條電線有好有壞都有佢0既 maximum capacity, 例如靚線係 10, 雞線係 3
由電插頭去到零件之間有 6, 4, 3
咁就算我地將 6 換成 10, 因為受 3 0既限制, 最後都只係有 3 0既效果
我估呢個就係令我同 Chanwt 師兄感到疑惑0既地方
每條線0既 capacity 唔係一個數字, 而係一個 %, 就例如光纖0既 data lose 會比銅線為低
一條靚線0既 capacity 可能係 80%, 但一條雞線可能只得 30%
由電插頭去到零件之間有 60%, 40%, 30%
60% X 40% X 30% = 7.2%
但如果將 60% 換成 80%, 雖然 40% 同 30% 無變依然係雞線, 但依然可以提高到 9.6%
唔知咁樣...... 會唔會可以易0的形容到? 又唔知其實應該邊一種附合現實情況多0的呢?
發表於 2011-7-2 22:30
回復 66# ivanbbq
Wa, Thx thx and many thx!
I thought what you have said is a very very logical assumption and the best sharing so far.
The "最差論" was the one I thought to be true but of course it does not explain many many queries I have in the past.
On the other hand, your "各有各差論" does make sense and does explain why many chings think invest a good cable is worthwhile, It explains why just a cable replacement will gives sonic improvement.and these "improvement " may include the sense of "more powerful" feeling.
"其實我同 chanwt 都一樣, 一直都係對呢個問題感到好疑惑
我已經唔諗入屋前果D, 由電燈公司舖設果0的雞線0既影響會係點
我想知0既係, 由電插頭到部機入面應用呢0的電流0既零件, 之間果0的電線
就算我地換條幾靚0既 powercord, 但始終響部機入面0既電線, 如果繼續用雞線0既話, 唔係一樣會整差晒0的電流咩?
我估亦都係因為咁, 所以有0的師兄先會拆開部機0黎摩改部機入面0既電線?
或者咁樣, 如果用數字化0黎解釋0既話
即係每一條電線有好有壞都有佢0既 maximum capacity, 例如靚線係 10, 雞線係 3
由電插頭去到零件之間有 6, 4, 3
咁就算我地將 6 換成 10, 因為受 3 0既限制, 最後都只係有 3 0既效果
我估呢個就係令我同 Chanwt 師兄感到疑惑0既地方
每條線0既 capacity 唔係一個數字, 而係一個 %, 就例如光纖0既 data lose 會比銅線為低
一條靚線0既 capacity 可能係 80%, 但一條雞線可能只得 30%
由電插頭去到零件之間有 60%, 40%, 30%
60% X 40% X 30% = 7.2%
但如果將 60% 換成 80%, 雖然 40% 同 30% 無變依然係雞線, 但依然可以提高到 9.6%
唔知咁樣...... 會唔會可以易0的形容到? 又唔知其實應該邊一種附合現實情況多0的呢?""