pixelplus 發表於 2011-6-4 21:46


我唸你叫佢[河流論]吧, 因為用河流去唸就可以解答你嘅問題。


你嘅設備用幾A電,入屋係一二百A, 入大廈或屋苑就成千上萬A, 由於電壓及流量大很多,線材等影響就冇咁明顯。

pixelplus 發表於 2011-6-4 22:01


當然冇咁明顯唔代表冇影響,大家都有聽過有D村屋 200v 唔足,聲音軟弱無力;又或者有人住工廠區,夜晚聽歌特別清啦。

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-5 14:25

回復 41# pixelplus

    多謝你的回覆! 我諗我初初的想法和你的"河流論" 有一個基本的分別.
我的想法係! 除非在小溪的環境加濾水淨化系统, 如果唔係, 單係擴間尾段,点解回改善力水,音質! 除非 所加的貴綫係有料加落條河到! (味精, 不論好定壞!)
而ching 的"河流論" 就直接認為d線係會喺入機前加料, 所以影呴到機器的効果.


dai_cast 發表於 2011-6-6 10:50

回復 1# chanwt

You are quite scientific. Actually, a wire has inductance and capacitance, but the influence of such a small proportion is really doubtful. You may have admired there is some kind of propaganda everywhere. 76 is a "free" platform to share ideas.
Wish you have an enjoyable hifi adventure.

PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-6 11:42

樓主你既諗法好岩, 電從電廠經好多雞線、干擾, 最後才入到屋, 而最後果幾十呎甚至幾呎就講到咁大變化, 好似有點不可思議。可以咁講, 百分之九十九都係衰聲, 最後果一個巴仙唔通影響真的咁大?

不過, 你忽略了一樣野, 就係果九十九個巴仙既衰聲, 差唔多係冇人可以改變佢, 甚至連錄音室錄製CD時也碰到同一個問題。另外, 你亦忽略了電入屋後電器對電的影響, 唔好太簡單咁諗既然電在入屋前已受咁大污染就唔會再受你的電器所影響, 事實上完全係兩回事。

簡單點做個比喻, 假設電在入屋前受到的影響是99%, 入屋後是1%。由於冇乜人可以改變果99%, 那99%對所有人的影響也是恆定的因素, 實際上每人對改變的就是剩下的1%。這1%等於屋內的所有干擾, 等於屋內的100%。你唔去改善佢就等於100%衰聲, 換條好D既電源線可能改善到10%, 用獨立電可能改善到30%, 有幾多改善就要睇財力與功力了。

可能你還會說攪屋外果99%咪仲好, 是的, 如果你攪到既話請順手幫埋我, 唔得既話只有接受好了。連錄音室也做不到最好聲, 我地只可以做自己做到最好的就是了。老實講你現在見到的及聽到的都不是最好的, 就算電視機經大氣電波的影響也是嚴重的。要最好的唯有到現場, 直接聽演唱會就是了, 不過還要提醒句演唱會用的電也不是純正的。

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-6 22:21

樓主你既諗法好岩, 電從電廠經好多雞線、干擾, 最後才入到屋, 而最後果幾十呎甚至幾呎就講到咁大變化, 好似 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-6 11:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Hi, Thx Kung Kung hing,

I totally agreed what you have said except the following doubt.
1/ All the pollution in the power network will come to the last couple of feet before the appliance, since the last couple of feet of these "HiFi cable" are so good. They should transmit ALL the power including the electronic noise with least attenuation. So, using 'HiFi grade power cable WILL NOT reduce noise pollution but assisting them to getthroughto the appliance UNLESS these power cable has some kind of filter function.

This is the point I am questioning! Unless the power is having some kind of "filtering" otherwise, I just don't see how can it improve the quality of power to the appliance. Don't get me wrong, I repeated admit that using different cable will gives different sound effect, I have experienced that myself.

What I am trying to verify here is it true to emphasis the "HiFi grade power cable" can provide more pure and more powerful supply to the appliance due to their "pure".

And I repeat my basic question, how could a HiFi grade power cable give more "power" to the amp. (Or its simply altered the sound effect of the amp. and somehow (I don;t know how) make it sound more powerful (similar to waht teh tube Amp does!).

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-6 22:26

簡單點做個比喻, 假設電在入屋前受到的影響是99%, 入屋後是1%。由於冇乜人可以改變果99%, 那99%對所有人的影響也是恆定的因素, 實際上每人對改變的就是剩下的1%。這1%等於屋內的所有干擾, 等於屋內的100%。你唔去改善佢就等於100%衰聲, 換條好D既電源線可能改善到10%, 用獨立電可能改善到30%, 有幾多改善就要睇財力與功力了。

BTW, lets stick to your proportion! If the improvement is noticeable by simply improving the 1% pollution by changing the power cable. Why we should so much resource on the cable but not invest on the conditioner, which should be able to reduce much much more noise coming with the power supply net.

Will that make the whole thing more logical and more effective? What Ching's comment on this view?

PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-6 22:55

Hi, Thx Kung Kung hing,

using 'HiFi grade power cable WILL NOT reduce noise pollution but assisting them to getthroughto the appliance UNLESS these power cable has some kind of filter function.

And I repeat my basic question, how could a HiFi grade power cable give more "power" to the amp.

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-6 22:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

回應你第一個疑問, " 'HiFi grade power cable WILL NOT reduce noise pollution", 講得岩但只岩一半, 因為佢只能減少屋內的干擾, 唔係屋外的所有干擾, 但唔代表佢冇功用。

第二個疑問, "HiFi grade power cable give more "power" to the amp", 佢唔係加POWER俾AMP, 只係比普通的電源線減少對AMP既POWER的流失。

PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-6 22:57

BTW, lets stick to your proportion! If the improvement is noticeable by simply improving the 1% po ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-6-6 22:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

99同1%的比例只係一個比喻, 等你容易D明白, 實際上屋外的干擾有幾多及多大, 我諗都冇乜人可以知道呢。

syeah 發表於 2011-6-6 23:23

frankly, I agree that cable's effect is only limited

just like making a dish...

cable is like favouring

equipment is the ingredients

I saw some ching here, using a 4K CDP with a 2K power cord, there maybe improvement, but certainly the improvement is bigger if he gets a 6K CDP instead

Somehow... perhaps it's caused by the big margin in selling cables...
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查看完整版本: 電源線迷思???

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