fungppl2000 發表於 2011-8-31 15:28

回復 94# PP-HK

    原來要咁俾心機調教, 睇黎要請返個長假先可以係屋企慢慢玩, ANYWAY, 多謝CHING提供方法, 我地D新手就唔使盲中中~

matt 發表於 2011-8-31 16:56

本帖最後由 matt 於 2011-8-31 16:57 編輯

鬼佬兄咪玩啦, 唔係你地點醒我仲傻下傻下, 你地教識我唔少野。
PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 15:05

    also a lot of fun to play with the spikes.
different height, diferent height between front and other four. with plate, without plate, different plate....
even 1 turn of screw make a difference!
enough for you to play for months!!!!

PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 17:02

also a lot of fun to play with the spikes.
different height, diferent height between front an ...
matt 發表於 2011-8-31 16:56

未玩到咁盡住, 我得一條友抬喇叭都散哂, 有你班大哥幫手我就冇咁辛苦。果次唔係三條八兄睇我個焦插既熱縮膠, 都唔知連咁少野都有影響。

elaine 發表於 2011-8-31 17:38

Boom呢個駐波既問題唔係咁易解決, 要由好多方面著手。我既例子係, 首先要找出那個frequency會boom先, 然 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 14:28

    我想問"boom"(駐波問題)可否用喇叭線去解決呢? 例如低音無咁重既喇叭線

PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 17:51

我想問"boom"(駐波問題)可否用喇叭線去解決呢? 例如低音無咁重既喇叭線 ...
elaine 發表於 2011-8-31 17:38


elaine 發表於 2011-8-31 19:43

PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 17:51

    咁咩牌子好&大約幾錢?純銀OR純銅?請比多D意見, (聽歌90%, 睇戲10%, 聽人聲& CLASSICAL)
用緊EL34合併膽機+ 馬仔CD SA8003 + wharfedale OPUS2 m1


PP-HK 發表於 2011-8-31 23:29

咁咩牌子好&大約幾錢?純銀OR純銅?請比多D意見, (聽歌90%, 睇戲10%, 聽人聲& CLASSICAL)
用緊EL34合 ...
elaine 發表於 2011-8-31 19:43

真係唔識答你, 因為用naim只用原裝SC, 所以唔會去留意。

clarkwan 發表於 2011-9-1 00:12

i am a triangle user 2, triangle trio.
i am using marantz 8003, but thinking of upgrade to luxman 505...
Is there any improvment.

avlam 發表於 2011-9-1 00:14

i am a triangle user 2, triangle trio.
i am using marantz 8003, but thinking of upgrade to luxman 50 ...
clarkwan 發表於 2011-9-1 00:12

505U 夾 triangle 真係好正!!!

matt 發表於 2011-9-1 00:53

i am a triangle user 2, triangle trio.
i am using marantz 8003, but thinking of upgrade to luxman 50 ...
clarkwan 發表於 2011-9-1 00:12

as triangle is a bit clear sound, high analyical and fast sound, better much with tube amp or class A amp.
Pass lab or naim is a good choice too.
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查看完整版本: 我的第一對座地喇叭triangle genese quartet入宮了

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