cmsjkung 發表於 2008-9-15 19:57

Hi 洋蔥頭,

Woooooo.... your new toy.......... Smilies011 Smilies011 Smilies011

Ibought onkyo 876 amp finally..... but I still thinking the new speakers.... Please advise Smilies027 Smilies027 Smilies027

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-16 17:37

原帖由 wil-wil 於 2008-9-12 00:17 發表
Woo...!How much for your new toy?

Around 65K for front speakers (including original speaker stands) and centre speaker.:loveliness:

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-16 17:37

原帖由 poonwingkeen 於 2008-9-12 10:58 發表

This is DIY. :lol

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-16 17:38

原帖由 cmsjkung 於 2008-9-15 19:57 發表
Hi 洋蔥頭,

Woooooo.... your new toy.......... Smilies011 Smilies011 Smilies011

Ibought onkyo 876 amp finally..... but I still thinking the new speakers.... Please advise Smilies027 Smilies027 Smi ...

What soundstage do you like? Punchy sound? natural sound? and what is your budget?

cmsjkung 發表於 2008-9-16 21:03

I perfer natural sound, for 5.1 speaker around 25- 30K, how about B&W 6 series...... any comment for this Smilies009 Smilies009 Smilies009 Thanks......

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-17 12:03

原帖由 cmsjkung 於 2008-9-16 21:03 發表
I perfer natural sound, for 5.1 speaker around 25- 30K, how about B&W 6 series...... any comment for this Smilies009 Smilies009 Smilies009 Thanks......

B&W 6 series is very difficult to push especially you are using 876.For my comments, KEF 3005 is a good choice.

cmsjkung 發表於 2008-9-17 20:08

Hi 洋蔥頭,

Thank you for your advise, but I don't really like small speaker.... , so I may go for KEF Q series

lkljason 發表於 2008-9-22 01:04

原帖由 洋蔥頭 於 2008-7-28 13:42 發表



洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-10-3 08:52

原帖由 tailulu 於 2008-9-23 20:54 發表
HI ! 洋蔥頭 兄 :

小弟都是用Sony VW50 , 但見兄上可以 Sony VW50 (Modified with VW60 inside)Smilies018 Smilies018請問如何Modified Smilies019 Smilies019


My VW50 lens part was out of order before.Since Sony did not have any spare VW50 lens for repairing, and the price of VW50 lens was more expensive than VW60, so they changed the VW60 lens and parts with me. :lol

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-10-3 08:52

原帖由 lkljason 於 2008-9-22 01:04 發表


Except case, below 4K Smilies010
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查看完整版本: 洋蔥頭家庭影院及器材史 (最新組合 13 Nov 2011)

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